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India and South Africa: The hidden story of sex on the internet

Posted Thu 23 Jun 2011 - 09:28 | 30,091 views
After two years the EROTICS research has revealed that sex on the internet is much more than just pornography, but instead it includes a vibrant ecosystem of individuals sharing and discovering their sexuality online. Not only that, the internet provides a space for sexual and identity rights activists to organize and advocate for change.

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EROTICS raises fascinating new questions

Posted Thu 23 Jun 2011 - 07:04 | 12,356 views
The EroTICs research of sexuality and the internet revealed that contrary to much public opinion, sexuality online is much more than just pornography. As the EroTICs project comes to a close,'s writer Grady Johnson asked some of the experts to share their thoughts about the research.

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Lebanon and USA: Where is the line for sex on the internet?

Posted Wed 22 Jun 2011 - 17:07 | 12,417 views contributor Mavic Cabrera-Balleza speaks with EroTICS researchers Melissa Hope Ditmore and Kevicha Echols as well as LGBT activist Nadine Moawad about the role of the internet in our sexual lives. They talk about the effect that filtering and censorship have on sexual expression and access to information, particularly for youth and LGBT persons.

Feminist talk

Internet regulations can benefit from cross-sectoral conversations, says Marina Maria at the Human Rights Council

Posted Wed 8 Jun 2011 - 11:14 | 5,369 views
Marina Maria, a member of the Brazil EroTICs research team, was one of the panellists of the 'Internet rights are human rights' event co-organized by the APC with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session in Geneva on June 3. Due to time limitations, she was not able to present her paper in full at the event. is publishing her complete…

Feminist talk

Let's continue the debate: 'Internet rights are human rights' panel's video recording

Posted Fri 3 Jun 2011 - 09:00 | 5,368 views
The video recording of excellent panel on freedom of expression and the internet organized by the APC in cooperation with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session in Geneva on 3 June, is now available online Let's keep dialog…

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Women's rights and the internet at the Human Rights Council

Posted Tue 31 May 2011 - 11:49 | 13,778 views
The increasing prevalence of the internet in all aspect of our lives is becoming impossible to ignore, and that it is becoming pivotal in the realisation of our fundamental rights and freedoms. At the same session of the UN Human Rights Council, where the role of the internet on the right to freedom of opinion and expression is being reported by the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression…

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EroTICs: Sexuality and technology

Posted Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 08:21 | 8,686 views
Sonia Randhawa and Jac sm Kee explore the links between sexuality and the theme of this year’s Commission on the Status of Women meeting, “Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work”.

Feminist talk

Challenging pornophobia and moral beliefs of Congolese media practitioners

Posted Tue 30 Nov 2010 - 15:09 | 8,530 views
Francoise Mukuku reports on the online discussion around ICT and violence against women organized by Genderlinks as part of the 16 Days of Activism: "As my organization Si Jeunesse Savait is implementing a 2-year project on the topic, I felt like it was really the place to be today...But let me tell you that the debate between most of the people I met online today was really far from meeting my…

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Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems

Posted Thu 7 Oct 2010 - 06:03 | 8,142 views
The summary of the 'Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems' workshop co-organized by APC WNSP, Centre for Internet and Society and Alternative Law Forum at the Internet Governance Forum(IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 14 2010. T.Q. from the Lebanon EroTICs team speaks about the history of the local queer movement which correlates with the development of the internet in Lebanon.…


Transcript of the Protecting women’s rights: Internet content from a gender perspective workshop@ IGF, 2010

Posted Tue 21 Sep 2010 - 06:26 | 7,677 views
The transcript of the 'Protecting women’s rights: Internet content from a gender perspective' workshop co-organized by APC WNSP and Council of Europe at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 17, 2010. This workshop explored the importance of applying a gender perspective to internet content, discussions around harmful content and content regulation.