DJS choice

DJ's CHOICE OF THE WEEK: Free speech and bullied women, bra protest, and Lego

Posted Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 14:42 | 5,266 views
_DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…

Feminist talk

APC launches "Feminist Principles of the Internet" at 2014 Internet Governance Forum

Posted Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 09:10 | 5,960 views
On 1 September 2014, APC launched the “Feminist Principles of the Internet” at the Sexual Rights Pre-Event of the 2014 Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul, Turkey.


Tools and Tactics for the LGBTI community in sub-Saharan Africa

Posted Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 09:05 | 7,702 views
Tactical Tech is delighted to announce the launch of a new guide: Tools and Tactics for the LGBTI community in sub-Saharan Africa. This is the second in our series of Security in-a-box Community Focus guides, which aim to further integrate digital security into the context of particular communities and human rights defenders.

Feminist talk

Impacting global advocacy on tech-related violence against women through regional IGFs

Posted Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 11:08 | 5,338 views
Partners of the “End Violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project have participated in three regional internet governance forums (Africa IGF, Asia Pacific IGF, LAC IGF). We interviewed our members who attended and the impact their participation had on tech-related violence against women.

Feminist talk

Asia Pacific stakeholders assert ‘Human rights should be the heart of internet governance discussion’

Posted Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 08:03 | 6,087 views
Annually since 2010, stakeholders coming from different countries in the Asia Pacific (AP) meet to discuss pertinent issues on internet governance. This forum where different stakeholders converge to ‘discuss, exchange, and collaborate’ is called the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), a regional Internet Governance Forum (IGF) initiative that hopes to build awareness and…

In depth

EROTICS, activism and feminist porn

Posted Wed 27 Aug 2014 - 10:49 | 10,567 views
Caroline Tagny interviewed Rohini Lakshané, who used to work with EROTICS India, and Sheena Magenya, from the Coalition of African Lesbians during the Global meeting on gender, sexuality and the internet in April 2014 to ask them how they understand pornography from their respective contexts, and how do they engage their activism with the intersection between sexual rights and internet rights.


Technology-related violence against women – Recent legislative trends

Posted Tue 26 Aug 2014 - 16:28 | 17,745 views
This study seeks to explore recent legislative developments aimed at addressing and providing avenues of redress for technology-related violence against women. We explore the objectives, structure and application of four domestic legislative responses to different forms of violence against women, seeking to understand how domestic legislatures are responding to increasing awareness of violence…


End violence research: Case summaries from country reports

Posted Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 14:21 | 14,715 views
The following case summaries are excerpted from End violence against women: Country reports, which involve seven countries and are part of research commissioned by the Association for Progressive Communications Women's Rights Programme (APC WRP) beginning in 2013.


You shall no longer be strange, internet

Posted Wed 20 Aug 2014 - 08:57 | 14,190 views
I’d bet my internet that one of your first experiences with the digital social had something to do with sex. Unsolicited nudity arriving in your inbox? Hundreds of sex-related IRC channels that popped up while you searched for your local radio chatroom? Pop-ups spiraling out of control on Internet Explorer? Or maybe you went looking for it in a Lycos search. Or maybe you built a geocities site…

In depth

Feminist Principles of the Internet

Posted Wed 20 Aug 2014 - 08:11 | 75,879 views
Over three days, the participants discussed and debated intersections of gender, sexuality, and the internet – not only as a tool – but as a new public space. In thinking through these issues, the participants at the meeting developed a set of *15 feminist principles of the internet*. These are designed to be an evolving document that informs our work on gender and technology, as well as…