
EROTICS: Sex, rights and the internet - an exploratory research study

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2011 - 08:47 | 25,856 views
How is the internet a key public sphere for the struggle for sexual citizenship and the exercise of sexual rights? What is its value to a diversity of users, especially those most marginalised or discriminated against because of their sexual, gender or other forms of social identity? Why do arguments for the regulation of the internet anchor on the moral imperative to regulate sexuality? Who are…

Feminist talk

Internet in South Africa is more than meets the eye

Posted Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 11:11 | 8,954 views
Grady gives a glimpse into the final research of the EROTICS research in South Africa that explored lesbians and transgender people use of the Internet, and how content regulation measures can constrain the internet's democratising and empowering potential for LGBTI persons in the country.

Feminist talk

Lebanon: Free speech is a gateway crime

Posted Wed 20 Jul 2011 - 16:32 | 6,680 views
The recent controversy surrounding the Gay Girl in Damascus (who turned out to be anything but) has this blogger scratching his head. Why are we all so focused on how MacMaster misled us, and not on the real issue?

Feminist talk

World Pulse starts campaign on universal access

Posted Fri 24 Jun 2011 - 10:19 | 4,338 views
World Pulse, the authority on all things woman, has recently launched an action blogging campaign to promote universal access to the internet. This author is tempted to sue them.

Feminist talk

IPv6: are African net operators just talking to themselves?

Posted Wed 8 Jun 2011 - 08:01 | 4,463 views
IPv6 hour in Africa : experts are pushing everybody to go for it but is it really the time for it? a blogger taking part to teh discussion summarise the thoughts of pros and cons.

Feminist talk

APC co-organises event on the internet at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session

Posted Tue 31 May 2011 - 08:41 | 4,745 views
as part of APC’s Connect your rights! campaign, with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session in Geneva on 3 June, 13:00 to 15:00, room XXV, Palais des Nations. Remote participation will be available. The panel will also focus on the specific impacts of freedom of expression and freedom of association on women’s and sexual rights.


10 Internet Rights and Principles

Posted Thu 26 May 2011 - 05:32 | 5,559 views
This document defines ten key rights and principles recommended to form the basis of internet governance. They have been compiled by the Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition (IRP), an open network of individuals and organisations working to uphold human rights in the Internet environment. The principles are rooted in international human rights standards, and derive from the coalition'…


APC Internet Rights Charter

Posted Wed 25 May 2011 - 09:52 | 6,217 views
First developed in 2001-2002 by APC members and partner organisations at Internet Rights workshops held in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa and updated in 2006, the APC Internet Rights Charter enshrines the rights of people and organisations to use the internet freely, particularly in their work for social, economic and environmental justice. The Charter refers specifically to the internet…


UN Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and the Internet

Posted Wed 25 May 2011 - 08:46 | 7,779 views
The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression's report explores key trends and challenges to the right of all individuals to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds through the internet. The Report underscores the unique and transformative nature of the Internet but also outlines the growing global trend of restricting freedom of expression and association online.


Tipping the balance for local adopters of technology

Posted Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 09:12 | 7,799 views
Gender, science and technology. This theme will be analysed, dissected and evaluated at the 55th session of the Commission on Status of Women. Government delegates, non-government representatives and activists will troop to the United Nations headquarters in New York, braving the coldest winter in decades, to assess how women and girls are faring in education, training and employment in…