

Scoring participation – how does change happen for women in the IGF

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 16:39 | 8,997 views
During the years of my school and university studies, report cards caused me high levels of anxiety but with some underlying optimism. Report cards assumed all-knowing experts were making decisions around my abilities and progress. It would invariably be a measure of success or failure and would expose my weak points and (hopefully) highlight my positive traits. But they always had a judgemental…

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Stripping the IGF bare: where are women´s rights?

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 15:44 | 9,417 views's editors, Flavia Fascendini and Katerina Fialova, speak with the APC WNSP members who took part at the Sixth Internet Governance Forum that took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 27-30 September 2011. In the interview, Chat García Ramilo, Dafne Sabanes Plou, Jac sm Kee, Jan Moolman, and Jennifer Radloff from the APC Women´s Programme offer their insights regarding gender balance and…

Feminist talk

Why women's movements should take a deep breath…and get involved in a new arena of public policy

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 09:26 | 7,577 views
Aisha Lee Shaheed was one of the participants of the two-day workshop “Women’s Rights and Internet Governance” convened by the APC WNSP late September 2011, in Nairobi, Kenya, just prior to the 6th Annual Internet Governance Forum. In her blog post, Aisha recounts how the workshop shifted her perspective on internet governance and why she as a women human rights defender should care about it.

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Women activists and internet governance: let's open the debate

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 07:19 | 8,659 views
Dafne Plou reports on the workshop of about 20 women's rights advocates from different countries and backgrounds who met late September 2011, in Nairobi, Kenya, just before the 6th Internet Governance Forum to share their experiences in policy advocacy and to discuss internet governance and its linkage to women’s rights agendas. The workshop was organised by the APC Women's Networking Support…


6th UN IGF: Statement by the Gender Dynamic Coalition on gender equality and women's rights

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2011 - 07:43 | 7,594 views
The Gender Dynamic Coalition statement issued during the 6th UN Internet Governance Forum in September 2011, in Kenya, criticises the continued gender imbalance in both participation (as speakers and participants of workshops and sessions) and substance of the discussions at IGF. It also supports the call to make human rights the IGF 2012 theme and requests that equal attention be paid to women'…


EROTICS: Sex, rights and the internet - an exploratory research study

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2011 - 08:47 | 25,856 views
How is the internet a key public sphere for the struggle for sexual citizenship and the exercise of sexual rights? What is its value to a diversity of users, especially those most marginalised or discriminated against because of their sexual, gender or other forms of social identity? Why do arguments for the regulation of the internet anchor on the moral imperative to regulate sexuality? Who are…

Feminist talk

India: Government should get out of the way

Posted Fri 29 Jul 2011 - 08:17 | 7,693 views
The net has often been portrayed by the media in India as "being a lair of sexual predators". Grady looks at some of the contradictions between policy and practice that were revealed by the EROTICS research in India, which explored the ways that young women negotiate risks online as they strategically use the internet to explore, define and challenge boundaries of gender and sexual norms.

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EROTICS in Brazil: The complex universe of sexuality on the internet

Posted Tue 28 Jun 2011 - 06:30 | 12,330 views
Sexuality Policy Watch and the Latin American Centre on Sexuality and Human Rights teamed up together to conduct the EroTICs research in Brazil. In an interview with Flavia Fascendini, they talked about their participation in the project as an opportunity to address the nuanced impact of new Internet legislation on sexuality. They approached this complex issue from two sides: looking at…

Feminist talk

Internet regulations can benefit from cross-sectoral conversations, says Marina Maria at the Human Rights Council

Posted Wed 8 Jun 2011 - 11:14 | 5,369 views
Marina Maria, a member of the Brazil EroTICs research team, was one of the panellists of the 'Internet rights are human rights' event co-organized by the APC with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session in Geneva on June 3. Due to time limitations, she was not able to present her paper in full at the event. is publishing her complete…

Feminist talk

Let's continue the debate: 'Internet rights are human rights' panel's video recording

Posted Fri 3 Jun 2011 - 09:00 | 5,368 views
The video recording of excellent panel on freedom of expression and the internet organized by the APC in cooperation with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session in Geneva on 3 June, is now available online Let's keep dialog…