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Korea: Women’s privacy in danger through surveillance and leaking of private information

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 16:06 | 7,951 views
“Digitising social welfare: Challenges of privacy” GISWatch report from Korea points out instances where women in the country have leveraged even non-political internet forums to discuss socio-political issues and to organise offline on crucial issues. However, it also highlights several government policies that expose women to privacy violations and related abuse. In particular, it points out…

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Jamaican household workers use cell phones to protect their rights and improve the working conditions

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 16:01 | 15,331 views
Leith Dunn and Hopeton Dunn from the Institute for Gender and Development Studies Mona Unit, and Mona ICT Policy Centre, at the University of the West Indies, are the authors of the Global Information Society Watch article entitled “Women’s rights, gender and ICTs: Empowering household workers in Jamaica”. In this interview they told why they chose this subject, how the sector of…

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Cook Islands: Pushing for women leaders

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 16:00 | 14,468 views
The Global Information Society Watch Cook Islands report was released, written by Maureen Hilyard, Alexis Wolfgramm and Lynnsay Rongokea from the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association. Analía Lavin interviewed Maureen Hilyard, one of the authors, on the main issues women face online, on gender equality in the political system, and on the role of the media.

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Democratizing access and use of ICTs for domestic workers in Uruguay

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 15:59 | 13,900 views
The Global Information Society Watch 2013 report, written by Goñi and Ana María Laura of ICTWatch (ObservaTIC), of the University of the Republic of Uruguay, is entitled "ICTs as a means for empowerment and influence: A democratising proposal for female domestic workers in Uruguay". interviewed Goñi to understand how inequality in access to and ownership of ICTs affects this sector…

Feminist talk

Connecting Our Rights at IGF2013: Women and sexual rights defenders leading progress on equitable, inclusive internet policy

Posted Wed 20 Nov 2013 - 08:22 | 5,624 views
The human rights of women and sexual minorities are being increasingly impacted by the internet, not only through violence and discrimination, but through policies and legislation that do not recognise their specific contexts, concerns and capacities.

Gender peripheries of the Internet Governance Forum in Indonesia

Posted Wed 20 Nov 2013 - 08:10 | 9,050 views
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has taken constructive steps to integrate gender equality into its space, processes and issues. This years' Gender Roundtable and other specific spaces such as the Gender Dynamic Coalition, aimed to strengthen the previous premise by bringing in different stakeholders (including governments, UN agencies, the private sector, civil society etc.) to dialogue on…


Baseline study: Technology related violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posted Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 11:24 | 6,088 views
This initiative aims to identify and map the existing situation on the ground, in terms of challenges that impede the understanding of violence against women and girls in digital spaces, and violence committed through use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A poll and an interview were intended for and conducted in organizations/institutions that work…

Feminist talk

#fbrape is about gender-based hate speech, not about censorship

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:05 | 10,938 views
On May 21 more than a hundred organisations lead by "Women, Action…

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Reflecting on tech-mediated violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posted Thu 11 Apr 2013 - 09:01 | 19,404 views
This interview conducted by Selina Mudavanhu from the African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town (South Africa) with Leila Seper, member of OneWorldsee in Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) and responsible for the ‘Take Back the Tech!’ campaign and networking, reflects on the work developed by OneWorldsee, a civil society organization that works on online spaces and is one of the partners of the…