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Technology and violence against women @ CSW57th: "Both NGOs and states raised this as an issue of concern"

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 14:23 | 17,314 views
The 57th meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women met in New York from 4th to 15th March. This year the major theme was the 'Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women'. Chat Garcia Ramilo and Jan Moolman from the Association for Progressive Communications' Women's Rights Programme were there, and spoke to Sonia Randhawa about what the CSW is, why it is important…

Feminist talk

Just a few words...

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 13:12 | 6,489 views
In the weeks leading up to the Commission on the Status of Women (4-15 March) violence against women I watched and read and listened and wept over the brutal gang rape and murder of "Anene Booysens":…. As…


UN Universal Periodic Review: Submission on internet-related human rights issues in Mexico

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 11:56 | 7,710 views
In partnership with members and networks, APC is working to protect and promote human rights online, engaging governments and other relevant stakeholders through a variety of United Nations processes including participating in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This submission prepared by APC and LaNeta under the APC project "End violence: Women's rights and safety online project", focuses on…

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Philippines: “If no justice is given to the survivors/victims then the laws become useless”

Posted Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 07:36 | 16,590 views
Violence against women in the Philippines is considered a public crime. According to the Philippines National Demographic and Health Survey, one in five women aged 15-49 has experienced physical violence since age 15. The advent of computers and internet exposes women to another dimension of violence. writer, Esther Nasikye, talked to Foundation for Media Alternatives about the forms…


Baseline study: Report on VAW and its reporting system in Philippines

Posted Fri 5 Apr 2013 - 11:09 | 8,524 views
When it comes to gender issues, technology presents opportunities and likewise challenges. Opportunities to promote gender equality and equity to end discrimination are endless and borderless. However, technology has become an unwilling accomplice that inflicts gender-based violence. Statistical data on violence against women and other gender-related crimes are regularly gathered to know if…

End violence against women: language and action @ CSW57th

Posted Fri 5 Apr 2013 - 11:34 | 9,504 views
This edition offers reflections on language and actions surrounding issues of technology-related forms of violence against women (VAW). We're looking at these in the perspective/context of the APC project "End violence: Women’s rights and safety online" and the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which took place between 4-15 March in New York.

Feminist talk

Women and the web: Why internet access matters

Posted Tue 26 Feb 2013 - 07:11 | 3,920 views
When women are able to gain access to the internet, they begin to do powerful things with it. Among women in developing nations, many of those who have been able to access the web have used it to find work, do research, and otherwise seek an additional income source for their families. The following infographic examines how now, more than ever, women in developing nations need the web.

Feminist talk

A human rights defender: talking about international support

Posted Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 07:43 | 4,697 views
Who is a human rights defender? Who is a woman human rights defender? Is he the one with the fancy camera and tweeting for his thousands of followers? Is she the one with the cute face and a good English accent? Who are the ones 'we' consider worth our admiration, and more importantly now it seems, worthy of support, coverage and highlighting from international organizations and media?

Feminist talk

Shape the future of womens' rights, now! We need more responses to our WSIS survey for civil society to have a voice!

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2013 - 07:13 | 4,006 views
APC would like to invite civil society organisations that participated in the WSIS process and that are concerned in some way with the WSIS goal of building a 'people-centred information society' to participate in a survey we are conducting as part of our WSIS +10 efforts.

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Women at the IGF: Now we need to mainstream gender

Posted Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 08:19 | 10,020 views
This year's Internet Governance Forum came to a close in Baku, Azerbaijan on 16 November. contributor Sonia Randhawa spoke to three women about their experiences at the IGF, and whether any progress is being made in terms of the representation of women, and the prominence of women's rights and gender as cross-cutting issues for internet goverance. Jac sm Kee is from Malaysia and…