
The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls

Posted Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 17:44 | 4,935 views
These agreed conclusions produced by the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women strongly condemn all forms of violence against women and girls and urge States to recognize that sexual and gender-based violence affects victims and survivors, families, communities and societies.

Feminist talk

The art of smashing things

Posted Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 18:37 | 3,185 views
In the last couple of years, I have found myself getting angry often. Working for social justice means seeing, analysing, and talking about injustice a lot. It's important to expose injustice and be exposed to it, and I'll get to that later, but it's also hard sometimes to hold your anger about all that's unfair and ugly in the world. I would get so angry sometimes I felt like smashing things,…

Feminist talk

Women: Strengthening communication on the internet to improve rights

Posted Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 12:41 | 4,285 views
After four years working as an advocate of sexual and reproductive rights, Lorena M., had already gathered quite an experience for the type of insults that could come across her path in meetings and public events. But she never thought her life would get dangerously complicated when anonymous hands hacked the defenders’ network site and began receiving insults and threats of all kinds in her e-…


Republic of Congo: Building access to justice, health care and social rehabilitation for survivors

Posted Mon 6 Apr 2015 - 08:38 | 4,096 views
This publication, which is especially useful for women’s rights and ICT for development organisations, UN agencies, health providers, legislators, policy makers and justice enforcement bodies, gathers the learnings and challenges identified by all of the actors involved in APC and AZUR Development’s project “Holding government accountable to gender-based violence in the Republic of Congo”.

Feminist talk

RightsCon 2015: Cyber sex(y), gender balance and violence

Posted Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 06:01 | 3,785 views
Civil society organisations, engineers, activists, lawyers, companies and governments gathered in Manila on 24-25 March to address the subject of the internet and human rights in this rapidly evolving region, in an effort to protect the open internet and defend the digital rights of its users. APC and members organised several panels were violence against women online and survivor's access to…

Feminist talk

“An internet without violence against women will only be possible in a world without violence against women”

Posted Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 09:06 | 5,063 views
Ana Freitas, a Brazilian journalist and social network user, was threatened with rape and stalked close to her home after she published an article about sexism on chat sites and forums. In her article, Freitas – an expert on digital culture and behaviour, who has worked for the foremost media outlets in Brazil – did not mention specific persons or places; she only described the levels of machismo…

In depth

How technology issues impact women’s rights: 10 points on Section J

Posted Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 05:27 | 16,854 views
APC's advocacy for the re-prioritisation of Section J at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women asks governments to recognise the critical role that the media and ICT play in both advancing and stifling women's rights. At the same time, it is vital that women's rights activists and organisations examine how ICT affects their work and take up Section J demands.
To that…


Infographic: Mapping technology-based violence against women - Take Back the Tech! top 8 findings

Posted Fri 6 Mar 2015 - 13:19 | 20,477 views
Did you know that women between 18-30 years old (and younger) are the ones most vulnerable online? And did you know that the majority (40%) of cases are perpetrated by someone known to the survivor? Check out this infographic that draws on the 1126 cases reported on the Take Back the Tech! online map from 2012 to 2014.


From impunity to justice: Domestic legal remedies for cases of technology-related violence against women

Posted Fri 6 Mar 2015 - 12:54 | 13,495 views
The present research seeks to examine the availability and effectiveness of existing domestic legal remedies for survivors of technology-related VAW to access justice and to prevent such violence from occurring. This research was carried out between April 2013 and June 2014 by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) as part of a multi-country project entitled “Ending violence: Women’…


From impunity to justice: Improving corporate policies to end technology-related violence against women

Posted Fri 6 Mar 2015 - 11:47 | 11,054 views
Between April 2013 and June 2014, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) carried out a multi-country research project entitled “Ending violence: Women’s rights and safety online”. The project explored the adequacy and effectiveness of domestic legal remedies and corporate policies/redress mechanisms to address the issue of technology-related violence against women (VAW).