
The consequences of the sex industry in the European Union (draft report)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,772 views
This European Parliament draft report to the vast expansion of the sex industry world wide; it highlights the sex industry's use of all types of information communication systems and emphasises link between the sex industry pornography and trafficking in women, prostitution and other violations women's human rights. The report calls for specific measures, such adoption of national ethical codes…


Cultivating Violence Through Technology? Exploring the Connections between Internet Communication Technologies (ICT) and Violence Against Women (VAW)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 10,208 views

This paper explores the connection between new information communication technologies (ICTs) and violence against women (VAW). From the perspective of representation and rapid dissemination of information and communication enabled through ICTs, the paper looks at domestic violence in the homes, sexual violence and women in conflict affected areas. It presents case studies, strategies and…


The Internet as an Organizing Tool

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,561 views
The module explores the power of the Internet as an organizing tool to combat violence against women.


The International Sex Trade and the Internet: Partners in Crime

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,568 views
The module explores the symbiotic relationship between the Internet and the international sex industry, the laws and regulations relating to it, and the ways how groups and communities have been using technology to combat trafficking and explore options for and objections to regulating the Web's content.


Making Women's Place Explicit: Pornography, Violence, and the Internet

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 5,746 views
The module examines the creation, consumption, and content of Internet pornography in order to understand the Internet's role in the perpetuation of violence against women.


Gender Harassment on the Internet

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,802 views
The paper examines the nature and types of gender harassment occurring on the net, and whether online gender harassment rises to the level of an actionable claim.


Sample Policies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 4,016 views
The page contains examples of policies that may be adopted by websites and website administrators. Samples range in level of restraint and severity.


Cyberstalking Laws

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 5,310 views
The page consists of links to current and pending cyberstalking-related United States federal and state laws, as well as those states that do not have laws yet and related laws from other countries.


Changing Practice: How Domestic Violence Advocates Use Internet and Wireless Communication Technologies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 3,329 views
The research report describes how and why two Midwestern domestic violence organizations in the US use Internet and wireless communication technologies. Major findings of the study reveal a need for more awareness and technical assistance regarding safe and ethical Internet and wireless communication service delivery.


Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation’s Youth

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 3,965 views
The national survey reveals that large numbers of young people are encountering sexual solicitations they did not want, sexual material they did not seek, and people who threatened and harassed them in a variety of ways. It also shows how families and young people are addressing matters of danger and protection on the Internet, and puts forward several recommendations on how to address this…