
Submission to the UPR: Women’s access to justice in the Philippines

Posted Wed 4 Apr 2012 - 10:14 | 9,446 views
The submission to the UPR process elaborated by the Women´s Legal and Human Rights Bureau, Inc from the Philippines addresses the issue of women’s access to justice in the country, which highlights technology-related violence against women (VAW) as an emerging form of VAW. The submission also looks at the gaps and challenges in available domestic remedies to survivors of violence and abuse…


Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the Republic of South Africa

Posted Wed 4 Apr 2012 - 09:31 | 7,413 views
This joint submission from APC, CALS, CIVICUS, Gender Links, Highway Africa Chair in Media and Information Society, IDASA, ODAC, Right 2 Know, SANGONet, Section27, and SERI focuses on freedom of expression, the right to information, freedom from censorship; freedom of the press, the right to privacy, and the importance of affordable access to the internet in South Africa. The submission…


Universal Periodic Review: Submission on internet-related human rights issues in India

Posted Wed 4 Apr 2012 - 09:18 | 6,821 views
In the submission, the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) is particularly concerned with making the internet an effective tool to exercise rights to information in India. DEF believes that the internet plays a major role in accessing information and thus a tool for social and economic development. This submission outlines India’s progress and specific areas of concern: information technology…


Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Brazil

Posted Tue 3 Apr 2012 - 18:40 | 10,040 views
This joint submission has been prepared by the APC Women’s Networking Support Programme in consultation with Instituto Nupef and is endorsed by Sexuality Policy Watch. The submission focuses on human rights and the internet in Brazil. It highlights areas where Brazil is doing well, specific areas of concern, and makes five recommendations for follow-up and implementation. The submission focuses…


APC's submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Ecuador

Posted Tue 3 Apr 2012 - 18:08 | 7,931 views
APC’s submission for Ecuador to the UPR process, with support from CIESPAL and Radialistas Apasionadas y Apasionados, focuses on issues of access to the internet and highlights the critical importance of the internet for human rights, as well as social and economic development. Although the first UPR of Ecuador did not include reference to internet-related human rights issues, the events of 2011…


Commentary to the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2011 - 17:30 | 8,535 views
The Commentary to the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders maps the rights protected in the Declaration and explains in what parts of the document are they protected, unpacks what each right entails and which are the common restrictions and violations of those rights, and lastly highlights good practices and recommendations regarding those rights. It pays particular attention to the specifics of…

In depth

Who's gonna track me?

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2011 - 16:37 | 9,602 views
Flavia Fascendini looks at the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders -- which, for the first time in history, focuses on the situation of women's human rights defenders. Drawing on the report's findings, she talks to South-East Asian women's activists about the unique security risks they face online.


UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2011 - 16:05 | 8,510 views
This Declaration recognises the legitimacy of human rights work and the need for these activities and those who carry them out to be protected. It articulates existing rights contained in the major human rights instruments, such as the right to freedom of expression, association and assembly, as they apply to the situation of human rights defenders. It also outlines that not only States, but also…


Emerging forms of violence on the internet impact on women's rights, declares APC at the Human Rights Council

Posted Thu 9 Jun 2011 - 16:08 | 5,634 views
APC calls on states to brings attention to emerging threats to women's freedom of expression and emerging forms of violence on the internet that impact on women's rights.The Statement is part of a set of recommendations submitted to the Human Rights Council in preparation for its seventeenth regular session (30 May – 17 June 2011).

Feminist talk

Checkin from the Human Rights Council, a new and complex universe!

Posted Thu 9 Jun 2011 - 15:37 | 7,096 views
Marina Maria representing the APC's EroTICs project at the 17th session of UN Human Rights Council shares her experiences from the mission to 'a new and complex universe'.