Mouse cursors point to a woman surrounded by icons representing a hostile digital environment

Feminist talk

A mine-ridden internet and six rules for understanding anti-rights narratives

Posted Thu 23 Sep 2021 - 10:00 | 6,499 views

Florencia Goldsman reviews the study "Engendering Hate: The contours of state-aligned gendered disinformation online", adding pieces to the puzzle of targeted digital violence that undermines women and LGBTIQ+ people online presences.


Feminist talk

The Architectures of Online Harassment (Part 1)

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2017 - 01:59 | 8,182 views
In this two part report on a workshop on thinking through online harassment, Maya Ganesh of Tactical Technology Collective teases out the nuances of how online harassment takes place, technologically and socially. The article looks at what troubles and concerns us about online harassment of women, and what could be the possible new directions opened up by using a design-thinking approach. Part 2…