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South Africa: Privacy and domestic violence online and off

Posted Mon 19 Jul 2010 - 15:38 | 22,105 views
While women's rights activists have been at the forefront of making the private crimes that occur at home - domestic violence, marital rape - public, new technologies are making the private public in ways that disenfranchise, alienate and violate women. Esther Nasikye and Sally-Jean Shackleton explore how ICTs, privacy and domestic violence in South Africa are showing up problems in both policy…

Feminist talk


Posted Tue 29 Aug 2006 - 07:03 | 5,441 views
During the Know How conference held in Mexico City from August 23-26, the Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) issued a call to every grrls, librarians, lecturers, writers, techies, geek grrls, bloggers, emailers, SMSers, advocates, trainers, storytellers, poets, writers, web managers, theorists, graffiti artists, photographers.. to take…