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Gender and ICT policies: how do we start this discussion?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:18 | 6,052 views
"Although the women’s movement has adopted ICTs in their work as an important tool, it has given little attention to ICT policies". This and many other issues were discussed in the workshop “Networking for Change and Empowerment: Building a Feminist Agenda for ICT Policies” that APC Women’s Networking Support Programme and APC LAC ICT Policies Monitor organised during the World Social Forum, in…


Review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - Report of the Secretary-General

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 4,736 views
The UN Secretary-General's report (E/CN.6/2010/2) in preparation for the 54th Commission on the Status of Women who undertook the 15 year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BpfA), including the section J – Women and Media. Media and ICT are mentioned throughout the Report as important tools for awareness raising and information dissemination, for example, under the…


The Africa Women's Regional Shadow Report on Beijing +15

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 5,828 views
A regional analysis on the status of women 15 years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The report maps out the progress, gaps and challenges under each of the critical areas of concern in the West, Eastern and Southern sub-regions, with emphasis on the period since the last review in 2004 (Beijing +10). For example, the report argues ,that the ICTs have…


Where is Women´s “J” Spot?

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 6,397 views
As the international community prepares to join the United Nation’s 49th Session of the Commission on the Status on Women (CSW), women media practitioners are asking: where is women’s “J” spot? Commonly known as “Beijing +10,” the role of the official UN session is to evaluate what governments have done to implement the Platform for Action (PFA) of the Fourth World Conference on Women 10 years…


Effects of Education and ICT Use on Gender Relations in Bhutan

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 4,635 views
This article examines the relationships that exist between gendered access to education and the ways in which mobile phones, fixed phones, and the Internet are perceived and used in a rural and an urban Bhutanese community. The findings, organized by levels of literacy, reveal similar patterns in ICT perceptions and use across the two communities.


Take Back The Tech! Reclaiming ICT to end violence against women

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:37 | 6,527 views
Take Back The Tech! is a yearly 16-day campaign that aims to engage greater participation by all civil society, especially grrls and women ICT-users, to think about the issue of violence against women and ICT in diverse contexts and realities. By calling for all users to reclaim control over technology, the campaign is asking for the right to define, access, use and shape ICTs for its potential…


LISTEN: Communication Rights for Women - Why the Purse feels empty? Role of ICTs in securing funds for women's groups [part 4]

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:37 | 4,365 views
Mavic Cabrera-Balleza, a senior program associate in the International Women's Tribune Centre, looks at the role of ICTs in supporting women's groups efforts to secure funding at the panel, “Communication Rights for Women - Why the Purse feels empty?: Financing for women's equitable access to Information and Communication Technologies”. This panel was organised by APC WRP, UN DAW and IWTC during…


LISTEN: Communication Rights for Women - Why the Purse feels empty? Donor's perspective on financing gender and ICT initiatives [part 3]

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:37 | 4,527 views
Ireen Dubel, a programme manager for Gender, Women…


Engendering Rural Information Systems in Indonesia

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 6,150 views
The study aims at identifying policies, technologies, institutions and investments needed to improve access to ICTs and promote rural development in Indonesia. A critical part of this study is a gender specific component, to ensure that the strategies developed and recommended are informed by a comprehensive gender analysis, and further integrate gender considerations into national ICT policy,…


Radio Programmes: Women Talk Peace: Radio Productions on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (Liberia)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,349 views
This is the third section in a 3-part series of prototype radio programs about UNSCR 1325. It contains four radio productions on women, peace and security issues in English, Kpelle and Bassa. The radio productions describe the impact of violent conflict on Liberian women, as well as the impact of such conflicts on other parts of the African region.