Image description: Woman with collage of newspaper headlines about rape in Ghana

Feminist talk

Sexual Assault in Ghana: How technology can help build visibility

Posted Wed 6 Feb 2019 - 06:17 | 22,780 views

In Ghana sexual assault is vastly under-reported and there is a huge barrier in the police procedures for reporting of crimes. In this article based on multiple interviews, the author explores what role technology can play in addressing this, and can public discourse and visibility around sexual assault lead to change?

Image from Please her! project by Hola Africa

Feminist talk

Getting woke about getting laid: A HOLAAfrica sex positive experience

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 - 06:51 | 6,942 views

How to start a sex-positive conversation around queerness, sensuality and sexuality, gender expression, and even violence? HOLAAfrica is one platform that shows us how to do it. From pleasure manuals to podcasts to articles, the platform raises and discusses several sensitive issues and concerns relevant to African women, gender non-conforming persons and sexual minorities.

Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

In depth

Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

Posted Thu 16 Sep 2021 - 11:36 | 2,176 views

In the second and last part of this in-depth article, the author unpacks the persistence of rape myths in judicial reasoning, even veiled under the promises of neutrality and accuracy of digital evidence.

A woman cries hiding her face. In her back, a wall of screens with messages

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 1): Is electronic data determining whether a woman has been raped or not?

Posted Fri 10 Sep 2021 - 15:28 | 3,753 views

This insightful piece highlights how digital evidence is overwhelming the legal and judicial imagination by looking specifically at cases of rape trials in India.

Image description: Back of woman with words painted

Feminist talk

Set me up, knock me down: Legal Obligations of Dating Apps to address Sexual Violence

Posted Thu 3 Dec 2020 - 03:44 | 14,566 views

Recent reports reveal that hundreds of people experience sexual harassment and abuse on Tinder and damningly, that Tinder largely ignored survivors. What is the legal and ethical obligation that dating platforms have when their platform is repeatedly used by sexual assaulters to prey on women and others? 

In depth

Interview with Lili_Anaz: A body that knows itself ...

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 - 05:33 | 9,555 views
Lili_Anaz (Liliana Zaragoza Cano) is an artist, communicator, photographer, writer and hackfeminist activist whose entire work is a feminist exploration about the crossroads between art, body, memory, resistances, sexuality, human rights, hacking, and free technologies. In this interview with Jennifer Radloff Lili_Anaz speaks about her passions and her work in Mexico.

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] #NiUnaMenos: Politicising the use of technologies

Posted Mon 4 Sep 2017 - 04:45 | 9,024 views
Ni Una Menos (Not One Woman Less) is a popular feminist uprising originating in Argentina that spread across parts of Latin America, and then across to Poland, Spain and Italy as well. This article traces the origins of this fiery and defiant moment that became a hashtag and a movement, and how it links to technology and social media and to other movements across the world.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How women in the global south are RECLAIMING SOCIAL MEDIA to combat femicide

Posted Thu 8 Jun 2017 - 06:11 | 7,811 views
In this new column on reclaiming social media for addressing women's issues and feminist concerns, Samukelisiwe Mabaso begins by looking at the rising rates of femicide in South Africa (and other parts of the world). Various spontaneous movements led and powered by women have arisen and use technology and social media to amplify their voices and ensure their demands are met.

DJS choice

Ireland, femojis and a terrible verdict

Posted Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 08:55 | 4,262 views
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…


Republic of Congo: Building access to justice, health care and social rehabilitation for survivors

Posted Mon 6 Apr 2015 - 08:38 | 4,096 views
This publication, which is especially useful for women’s rights and ICT for development organisations, UN agencies, health providers, legislators, policy makers and justice enforcement bodies, gathers the learnings and challenges identified by all of the actors involved in APC and AZUR Development’s project “Holding government accountable to gender-based violence in the Republic of Congo”.