Technology for feminist creativity and care

Posted Mon 22 Oct 2018 - 06:49 | 13,453 views

This bilingual edition is born of many conversations and moments at the two camps held in parallel in August this year (2018) at Dhulikhel, Nepal - the Take back the Tech! meet and the Feminist Tech Exchange.

Image from Please her! project by Hola Africa

Feminist talk

Getting woke about getting laid: A HOLAAfrica sex positive experience

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 - 06:51 | 6,942 views

How to start a sex-positive conversation around queerness, sensuality and sexuality, gender expression, and even violence? HOLAAfrica is one platform that shows us how to do it. From pleasure manuals to podcasts to articles, the platform raises and discusses several sensitive issues and concerns relevant to African women, gender non-conforming persons and sexual minorities.

Two pairs of hands holding cups of chai

Feminist talk

Online Dating in Pakistan

Posted Tue 2 Oct 2018 - 05:55 | 32,095 views

The rise of dating apps allows women to take control of their social life and their choices. In this article Hija Kamran speaks to many women in Pakistan about their experience of online dating, both good and bad, whether it allows for challenging of conservative social norms or it leaves women vulnerable to abuse and other risks.


FTX: Safety Reboot

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2023 - 07:36 | 313 views

The FTX: Safety Reboot is a training curriculum made up of several modules for trainers who work with women’s rights and sexual rights activists to use the internet safely, creatively and strategically.

woman opening her mouse to take a pill

Feminist talk

South Korea: Censorship of telemedical services as a form of denying abortion access

Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 - 15:04 | 4,103 views

When countries invoke peripheral laws such as pharmaceutical violations or conscientious objection clauses as justification for blocking, restricting, or limiting abortion access, they are invariably creating additional barriers, not upholding legal integrity.

Women and queer people around a bonfire under the stars.

Feminist talk

#FTXStory - The FTX: Safety Reboot curriculum journey

Posted Sun 8 Dec 2019 - 09:34 | 1,603 views

FTX has been a journey of wonder and exploration, opening and healing. An intricate weaving of lives and projects. Also hardship, saturation and tension. This year has taught us how vital it is to hold this together. Now we want to celebrate, gather around this fire and share some stories.


On the blocking of abortion rights websites: Women on Waves & Women on Web

Posted Wed 4 Dec 2019 - 07:49 | 5,161 views

This 2019 report by OONI and Coding Rights, shows evidence of blocking of and -websites on sexual and reproductive rights- in Brasil and several countries around the world.

In depth

In plain sight, on sexuality, rights and the internet in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka

Posted Fri 4 May 2018 - 12:25 | 7,688 views

The EROTICS report 2017 looks at sexuality, sexual rights and communication rights in South Asia in particular, and in this introduction to the report, hvale explores the conceptual overlaps and connecting threads in these varied contexts. South Asia's troubled colonial legacy of tackling sexuality related issues is evident in the many violations of rights of LGBTQI people, and the…

In depth

Sexuality and the internet: Findings from the global survey (2017)

Posted Sun 24 Dec 2017 - 04:40 | 9,394 views

Since 2013 the EROTICS global survey has been carried out three times by APC-WRP to assess and learn about the role of information and communication technologies in the work of its worldwide network of gender and sexuality activists, advocates, professionals and scholars. The survey was particularly designed to reflect about their experiences and responses to online violence and censorship.…

The right to scream: Research on sexuality, the internet and communication

Posted Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 09:59 | 6,958 views

This edition is an exploration of the multiple layers of the relationship between sexuality, rights and sexual expression and the internet, through the EROTICS research located in three countries in South Asia and the EROTICS global survey of sexuality and internet activists. The most emphatic finding of both the survey and research is that communication rights should be considered as part of…