Feminist talk
How crucial is anonymity for sexual exploration and promoting sexual rights activism
While the debate around anonymity rarely gets seen from a feminist angle, women go through this feeling of being watched online and offline every day of their lives. It happens so often and so persistently that it has increasingly become synonymous to the experience of being a woman. It is no wonder then that the Feminists Principles of the Internet vocally advocate that “It is our inalienable…
Feminist talk
#WhatAreYouDoingAboutVAW campaign: Social media accountability
On 21 July, Take Back the Tech! began a campaign demanding to know what Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are doing about violence against women on their sites. Our primary goal is to get them to take a clear stand on violence against women in their terms of service and engage with diverse civil society to find solutions for safer platforms
Feminist talk
Why do the Feminist Principles of the Internet matter?
The internet is believed to be an open space for everyone to express themselves freely. So why do we need a set of principles to "govern" us?
Feminist talk
IGF 2014: From Istanbul with love or “honey trap”?
Looking for love online can be exhilirating and fun. But for LGBTIQ relationships, there is a need for safe, unpoliced spaces to allow for personal and political growth. Kamel Manaf explores how sex and internet activism link and overlap.
9th IGF: Feminist talks scale over the walls of internet governance
On 2-5 September 2014, over 2,400 activists, academics, businesspeople and government representatives from 144 countries actively participated in policy dialogue on issues of internet governance at the ninth annual Internet Governance Forum, held in Istanbul, Turkey. This edition of our newsletter offers snapshots of these debates and features observations and reflections from feminist and queer…
Feminist talk
9th Internet Governance Forum: Gender and sexuality online
There were several sessions and side meetings at the 9th Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Out of those, there were only a few on gender and sexuality, and this post is about the ones I had the privilege to attend. On September 1st, before the IGF officially started, the Association For Progresssive Communications (APC), organized a day-long pre-event meeting on Sex, Rights, and Internet…
Feminist talk
Moderate progress in gender parity and inclusion at the IGF between 2012-2013
APC summarised the contents of the Gender Report Card sections of the workshop reports from the Internet Governance Forum of 2012 in Azerbaijan, and the 2013 IGF in Indonesia.
Feminist talk
New Media and Girls’ Rights: Tying-in Technology and Empowerment
Does new media bring real change? Or it is that we are only enticed by its novelty factor? Does simply putting a technological tool in a woman’s hand lead to empowerment?
In depth
Alberto Cerda: "There are many more international agreements to protect intellectual property than to protect people's privacy"
Alberto Cerda is the international affairs director at Derechos Digitales, a Chilean NGO, and a specialist in intellectual property and privacy issues. In this interview, he analyses the legislation and policies being adopted in Latin America to deal with online violence against women involving the invasion of privacy, and the responsibility assigned to internet intermediaries and individuals.
Feminist talk
Legal restrictions on content are not helpful - Discussions around feminism, sexuality, technology and violence
APC’s Women’s Rights Programme convened a meeting on feminism, sexuality, technology and violence at Rutgers University Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights in the United States in November. The three-day meeting ranged from setting out definitions to practical concerns and future collaboration. The meeting grew out of the Exploratory Research Online (EROTICS) undertaken in 2008 with…