Image description: woman walking by, covering her face with Chinese magazine

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Interview with Eva Blum-Dumontet, Privacy International

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 - 05:47 | 6,266 views

Privacy allows women and members of marginalised communities to create safe spaces of expression and makes available tools that challenge norms that restrict equality, access and control. Bianca Baldo interviews Eva Blum-Dumontet, one of the authors of the recent report from Privacy International on gender and privacy.

Image description: Numerous surveillance cameras on a wall

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Privacy, Personhood and Identity in Surveillance Societies

Posted Wed 6 Mar 2019 - 01:14 | 10,166 views

Privacy was initially understood simply as the right to be left alone. The increasing use of internet, social media, surveillance and algorithmic processing has however shifted the meanings of privacy, and here we explore the conceptual understandings of privacy and its links to autonomy, human dignity and self-determination.

Image description: Tablet lying on bed, image of woman on the screen

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"Revenge Porn": 5 important reasons why we should not call it by that name

Posted Wed 16 Jan 2019 - 05:54 | 28,116 views

This article sums up the different and important reasons why we should stop using the term "revenge porn" when describing certain kinds of violations online that entail the non-consensual taking and circulation of intimate images. Why does language matter and how does it shape our perceptions and responses? Sophie Maddocks tells us more, based on her extensive research and interviews with…

A woman holding a puzzle piece and placing it on a mobile phone screen

Feminist talk

Learning digital security as a “non-techie”

Posted Thu 30 Sep 2021 - 18:53 | 5,002 views

This article expresses personal experience of navigating the digital space and learning about digital security in a world filled with neurotypical upper caste people in authority.

two women talking in a couch

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Women are talking but Telegram is not listening

Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 - 10:31 | 8,223 views

In this article, Garnett Achieng takes a deep-dive look into the Telegram app from the perspective of African women’s experience, particularly that of data privacy and online gender based violence.

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How activism shapes your experience of being a citizen on the internet

Posted Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 08:34 | 24,029 views
What does it mean to use the internet freely and fully? What freedom do you have to express who you are, how you live your life, what you desire, dream and believe in on the internet? And how safely can you communicate, contribute, exist, navigate and be in the spaces online that can so powerfully connect you to communities and knowledges that build our sense of self? This article written by…


Voices from digital spaces: Technology related violence against women

Posted Tue 27 Mar 2012 - 09:52 | 24,117 views

Drawing on findings from APC's MDG3: Take Back the Tech! project with women's rights organisations in twelve countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, this paper explores the links between the internet, cell phones and violence against women and illustrates that technology related violence impacts women as seriously as other forms of violence.


EROTICS: Sex, rights and the internet - an exploratory research study

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2011 - 08:47 | 25,856 views
How is the internet a key public sphere for the struggle for sexual citizenship and the exercise of sexual rights? What is its value to a diversity of users, especially those most marginalised or discriminated against because of their sexual, gender or other forms of social identity? Why do arguments for the regulation of the internet anchor on the moral imperative to regulate sexuality? Who are…

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Internet Governance Issues on Sexuality and Women's Rights

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2010 - 19:11 | 18,858 views
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has been a challenging space for both women's rights advocates and for broader constituencies engaged in advocacy for gender equality and sexuality related rights. In the fifth and final year of its mandate, women's rights are still being dwarfed as a critical issue to be debated in this arena, while sexuality issues, although present, are not seen as a matter…


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Violence against women and ICT

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2010 - 06:35 | 11,567 views
In the context of a country with one of the world's worst human rights records, women and girls are the victims of sexual violence perpetrated mostly by combatants from both sides. However, Sylvie Niombo finds in this paper that the intersections between violence against women and girls and ICTs in the DRC are not well established. The internet makes it possible to share experiences and receive…