"All that you walk on to get there": Feminist reflections on methodology, ethics and access in research

Posted Thu 29 Aug 2019 - 09:30 | 16,254 views

This bilingual edition is a collection of analytical essays and reflexive writings on feminist ways of knowing, and practices and priorities in feminist internet research. The writers reflect on the politics of location and privilege, on complicated equations of being an insider/outsider in a space and doing research, power dynamics with the participant, "informer", "subject", and barriers…

Artistic representation: two people with a text bubble in the middle.

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Internet Freedom is Not Enough - Cyberfeminists Are Fighting For a New Reality

Posted Wed 4 Dec 2019 - 08:44 | 14,146 views

Today, feminist activists are claiming that digital rights are human rights, too. This article talks about how cyberfeminists, especially from the global South, are going deeper into making digital rights a reality for women, LBT individuals, non-English speaking people in the global South.