Feminist talk

Rediff and Rape Threats: What Rediff Could Have Done to Support Kavita Krishnan

Posted Thu 23 May 2013 - 09:38 | 6,131 views
On 24 April, Kavita Krishnan, a leading figure in the anti-rape protests that have been rocking India since December 2012, was the target of online abuse on a public online chat on Rediff - an Indian leading media company and internet services provider. Ironically, the chat was addressing the topic of rising incidence of rape, and Kavita was invited specifically by Rediff to respond questions…


Women and online abuse in India: Submission to Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women

Posted Wed 8 May 2013 - 12:20 | 5,955 views
In the Indian context, the internet has played a critical role in opening up rights for women on one side of the digital divide, giving them access to vital (at times, life altering) information and an opportunity to exercise (some for the first time) their right to free speech and expression through platforms such as blogs, micro blogs and social media. However, as in their lives offline, in the…

Feminist talk

She's begging to be raped – Twitterverse for feminists in Pakistan!

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 11:20 | 8,194 views
‘She's begging to be raped.’ That's the response that many feminists in Pakistan get online from Pakistani men seeking to shut them up. This is a response from Pakistani men to women merely tweeting about issues related to sexualised violence.

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Tell me what social network you use and I'll tell you what your struggle is

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 13:20 | 22,631 views
This article, written by Florencia Flores Iborra for GenderIT.org, analyses some current cultural practices on some of the more popular online social networks, and the ways in which the publication policies of these platforms support or restrict the proliferation of certain behaviors relating to respect for the rights of women on the internet.

Power of stories to reclaim women's rights

Posted Fri 14 Dec 2012 - 07:11 | 13,352 views
The 2012 "Take Back the Tech! campaign":https://www.takebackthetech.net/, a collaborative campaign that takes place annually during the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence":http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/, featured 16 stories for 16 days. Each of these stories presented a different way how…

Feminist talk

Taking back the tech by tweeting for women´s rights

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 11:15 | 7,108 views
This selection of tweets circulated during the 2012 Take Back the Tech! campaign spotlights some of the key issues addressed during the 16 Days as well as relevant and provocative resources regarding violence against women and technologies.

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The online world might be scary, but it can be a place where we empower one another

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 06:08 | 17,603 views
Online harassment has become incredibly common for women around the world. Perpetrators of this violence act without fear of recourse, as anonymity protects them, and law does not limit their hate speech. Many women leave the online world out of fear that this violence will affect them in the offline world. But there are strategies that exist for women online activists to use to protect…

Feminist talk

Interview with Arzu Geybullayeva on the internet rights of women in Azerbaijan

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 02:23 | 8,996 views

Nighat Dad from "Digital Rights Foundation, Pakistan":http://www.digitalrightsfoundation.pk speaks to Arzu Geybullayeva, a regional analyst and a blogger from Azerbaijan. Arzu's areas of interest are regional politics, conflict resolution, and new social media. In their "feminist talk” Nighat asks Arzu about her impressions of the 7th…

Feminist talk

Rape and the courts: Going online isn't really justice

Posted Sat 11 Aug 2012 - 21:56 | 8,329 views
Savannah Dietrich was raped. The rapists took photographs and circulated them at her school - but in a plea bargain, she was told that she was not allowed to tell people what had happened. She posted the names of her attackers on social media sites, risking a jail sentence and a fine. But is this justice?

Feminist talk

Silence is not the solution - women bloggers stand up to trolls

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2011 - 08:56 | 9,782 views
The net is not neutral. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the experience of women bloggers. Women bloggers face an unprecedented level of harassment and abuse online - both in terms of the volume and vitriol of attacks. But now women writers everywhere are standing up and speaking out against cyberharassment.