Feminist talk

Taking street harassment off the streets and off the map!

Posted Mon 14 May 2012 - 12:10 | 10,982 views
I walked in late to the jam-packed session “Bringing Gender to the Streets: Young Women Amidst the Arab Uprisings” at AWID Forum 2012. This was not a session about technology or the internet, but it was a common strand running through each presenters' activism and evidence-building for women's rights, even and perhaps especially in the midst of revolution.

Feminist talk

Take away personal dynamics, be anonymous

Posted Wed 25 Apr 2012 - 14:50 | 7,960 views
Who said we should write things in our own names? It makes it personal. Today there was a debate at AWID Forum about a letter that was distributed criticising the exclusion of a certain discourse in the MENA region, and a point that was used to attack the letter was that it was not signed, you can't identify the authors of the letter, and no one "to take responsibility" for its content.

Feminist talk

MENA: Who talks for the region?

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2012 - 16:49 | 6,439 views
I am an AWID participant, and it is my first time to attend the forum.I attended the first session of in-depth session on “Women’s Rights and Transitions to Democracy in the MENA region”and I stayed only for the introduction of the panelists, I was disappointed and I left. I found no young feminists on board, no one who is actually taking part on the ground in the region, the panelists came from…


Strategising Online Activism: A Toolkit

Posted Wed 14 Sep 2011 - 05:12 | 9,188 views
“Strategising Online Activism: A Toolkit” was designed for and by women activists but can be used by everyone. Key chapters include: strategising and planning your online activism; creating your campaign’s identity; social networking and security on the internet. vioThe guide provides practical and accessible step-by-step advice, while keeping a political and feminist eye. It was developed by APC…

Feminist talk

Thanks for All the Cash!

Posted Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 07:15 | 6,596 views
Maya Ganesh shares her experience at the VIII International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society Conference (IASSCS) at a presentation about sexual rights activism in the middle east.


STOP MOTION PROJECT – When does the violence begin?

Posted Mon 21 Feb 2011 - 05:15 | 4,750 views
The three-part video campaign STOP MOTION PROJECT – When does the violence begin? aims to encourage discussion and promote awareness on violence against women through creative storytelling and the use of stop-motion animation. The mission of STOP MOTION PROJECT is to empower and support organisations and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for…

In depth

Africa Grassroot Caucus prioritise the WSIS and MDGs as part of development

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 4,995 views
Africa Grassroots Caucus has prioritised the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as part of development. This was the outcome of the second Grassroots Caucus Regional Consultation that took place in Lusaka, Zambia on 26-28 July 2005. The participants from Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Congo Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of Congo…