Feminist talk

Resisting Aadhaar, Resisting Islamophobia: A critical look at debates and litigation around Aadhaar

Posted Wed 19 Jul 2017 - 03:25 | 6,217 views
As the Supreme Court of India determines the contours of the right to privacy and who in Indian territory has it, Mythri Prasad-Aleyamma critiques many of the assumptions around the opposition to Aadhar. This critique is grounded in the differences of how surveillance and privacy are known and experienced by those who are vulnerable for varied reasons, but especially those who are migrants or…

Feminist talk

ICT, women’s rights and migration

Posted Wed 15 Jul 2015 - 14:50 | 10,945 views
Since the mid 1980s, more Filipino women than men were leaving the country for various destinations abroad. How do we reach the women working overseas to extend our support to them online? How do we maximize online connectivity so that we can send and receive messages to help migrants?