In depth

Digital mediation of reproductive and care work in India: research reflexivity and challenges

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:40 | 5,464 views

Women who do domestic work are able to now find employers through online platforms, but does this new avenue and promise of the digital economy ensure that their labour rights are upheld? In this short series, we read about four researchers who directly interviewed with workers as part of a project in the Feminist Internet Research Network. Here are the reflections of the researchers on ethics…

Feminist talk

Participation, creativity and design in research methodology around ICTs

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2018 - 04:45 | 5,116 views
In the field of research around gender and ICTs, there is particular attention required to the question of research methodology. How do women use ICTs, what do they need them for, what is the power dynamics around access and distribution? In this specific research project around potential use of ICTs, Catalina Alzate shows how participatory action research, design and creativity can be pulled…

Feminist talk

Unscripting Harassment (Part 2)

Posted Tue 14 Mar 2017 - 12:07 | 5,758 views
Online harassment has taken various forms on the internet, including doxxing, intimate violence, stalking and so on. In this article, Part 2 of the series, Maya Ganesh explores a different way of thinking through this contemporary phenomenon by using an approach that emphasises 'design-thinking'. Possibilities that are explored include whether the system or platform can predict or respond to…