Feminist talk

'Love Letter to the Soldier' - video that moves people to change

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2012 - 03:50 | 4,757 views
Maria Goreti, a papuan woman, was left pregnant and abandoned by an indonesian soldier. She and her 3-year-old daughter are still waiting for him to return. South to South Film Festival award-winning short film “Love letter to the Soldier” by EngageMedia tells her story.

Feminist talk

Editor picks from conversations on women & technology @ #CSW 55, Day 4&5 - Feb 25/26

Posted Mon 28 Feb 2011 - 07:24 | 5,841 views
Katerina F. picks from the most interesting conversations on Twitter concerning women…


The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

Posted Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 17:48 | 7,723 views
This is a funky introductory video which explains the Bechdel Test or Mo Movie Test, three simple rules that make it horribly clear how absent women are on the big screen.


The Global Media Monitoring Project 2010

Posted Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 17:27 | 6,490 views
On 10 November 2009, the news media came under scrutiny in 108 countries. Trained volunteers from women's rights organizations, media professional associations, and universities monitored the representation of women and men and gender portrayal in their local news media. The GMMP Report 2010 reveals what they found. The 2010 GMMP is the first to address women in the online news media.

Feminist talk

Gender in the online news: The 2010 GMMP

Posted Wed 6 Oct 2010 - 01:41 | 7,830 views
Since the 1995 conference in Beijing, the Global Media Monitoring Project has provided a snapshot of gender imbalances in the world's media, once every five years. This year, they expanded the coverage from the 'traditional' media to take a look at the internet. Unfortunately, their findings were not encouraging.

Feminist talk

Why I took a long flight to Vilnius

Posted Thu 16 Sep 2010 - 05:57 | 9,678 views
Francoise examines the role that mass media play as the fourth estate or power in the world, and looks at how convergence and large media companies are threatening the positive achievements of the internet in helping to create diversity, freedom of expression and greater focus on human rights reporting.

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Women and Philippine Media: At the Fringes of Freedom

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 13,154 views
Where are women located in the struggle for freedoms to express, create and disseminate information through ICTs as media? Censorship comes in multiple forms in the Philippines. The country has one of the highest counts of media practitioners who are killed in the course of their work in the region. Yet, it retains a conflicting standing as one of the open media landscape in South East Asia.…

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Women, Media & ICTS: Where Do We Go From Here?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 4,796 views
This article examines the progress made on the issue of Women, Media and ICTs at the level of international advocacy, particularly in relation to the Commission on the Status of Women and the Beijing Platform for Action. Questioning the disconnection between the fields of ICTs and women's rights, it looks at strategies of gender mainstreaming, and the need to have women in decision-making…

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Probing the Texture of Silence in Communications and Media at B + 10

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 4,866 views
This article explores the contradictory silence surrounding Section J of the Beijing Platform for Action that relates to issues of women and the media at this years Beijing + 10. Through this, it examines the possible reasons to the lack of vocalisation on this issue, even as women's movements working on various issues recognise the impact and power of the media in their work.

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Opening Eyes in Jamaica

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 3,082 views
Hilary Nicholson, member of Women’s Media Watch, shares her experience and impressions on participating in the Global Media Monitoring Day in Jamaica. Her article shows the expectancies and reactions of twelve women who volunteered to participate in this initiative, last February. To some of them, enlightening, to others, unsettling - to all of them an eye-opener experience, after which the…