Image description: Text saying Lets make the feminist internet real

Feminist talk

Transforming structures of power through feminist internet research

Posted Tue 19 Nov 2019 - 00:36 | 6,952 views

The internet has not fulfilled many of the optimistic expectations of the role it would play in democracy and development, and has, in fact, become a ground for denial of rights and voice of marginalised groups and people. But the making of a feminist internet presents the possibility of giving shape to an internet that is built on diversity and recognition of rights, especially those of women…

Collage of editathon posters

Feminist talk

Five tips for a successful edit-a-thon on gender

Posted Thu 20 Dec 2018 - 03:50 | 6,345 views

Do you want to organise an edit-a-thon around gender, women in STEM, movements and feminist histories of organising or anything else? Here are a list of (5 and more) things to watch out for - including the safety of your participants and how to navigate the tricky but sometimes essential rules of editing content on Wikipedia. 

Illustration with colored faces of women from different origins

Feminist talk

Who is your global South feminism serving?

Posted Thu 20 Aug 2020 - 08:38 | 9,291 views

In this article, the Zimbabwean feminist researcher and writer Fungai Machirori challenges the idea of "the global South" as a homogenous space.

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] Editatonas: “I edit, therefore I am”

Posted Tue 5 Sep 2017 - 03:34 | 7,590 views
Editatonas - are Wikipedia edit-a-thons that are exclusively for women. The reason for these events is to deal with the stark difference and lack of representation for women on Wikipedia as compared to men. This is also reflected in that only 10% of Wikipedian editors are women. Carmen Alcazar explores what editatonas do to change that.

Feminist talk

Mapping the feminist internet: the Whose Knowledge? campaign at the AWID Forum

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2016 - 10:12 | 16,783 views

Whose Knowledge? works with individuals, communities, organisations and movements worldwide to create, collect and curate knowledge from and with marginalised communities, particularly women, people of colour, LGBTQI communities, indigenous peoples and others from the global South. Essentially, Whose Knowledge? is a radical re-imagining and reconstruction of the internet, so that the internet…


Feminist Principles of the Internet [2016]

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2016 - 09:02 | 8,602 views
A feminist internet works towards empowering more women and queer persons – in all our diversities – to fully enjoy our rights, engage in pleasure and play, and dismantle patriarchy. This integrates our different realities, contexts and specificities – including age, disabilities, sexualities, gender identities and expressions, socioeconomic locations, political and religious beliefs, ethnic…

In depth

The Do-It-Yourself Feminist Internet: Cyber feminist actions from Latin America

Posted Thu 19 May 2016 - 07:19 | 25,387 views
Informed by resistance, dissident identities, intersectional approaches, issues of sexuality and universal access to the internet, we seek a collective answer to the question: Is a feminist internet possible? This reflection is a joint undertaking with Latin American women activists advocating freer and more equitable technologies and working to saturate the net with feminist content and…

Feminist talk

Copyright and the digital divide

Posted Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 06:17 | 6,208 views
It's day two of the 'Informal' Asia Europe Foundation meeting on human rights and ICTs, and we're split up into workshops to discuss recommendations that will go to the Foundation's ministerial meeting in November: I'm in the workshop on digital divide. While a lot of interesting ideas came up during the course of the day, the one which causes me most concern is the problem of knowledge that is…