
Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Brazil

Posted Tue 3 Apr 2012 - 18:40 | 10,040 views
This joint submission has been prepared by the APC Women’s Networking Support Programme in consultation with Instituto Nupef and is endorsed by Sexuality Policy Watch. The submission focuses on human rights and the internet in Brazil. It highlights areas where Brazil is doing well, specific areas of concern, and makes five recommendations for follow-up and implementation. The submission focuses…


APC's submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Ecuador

Posted Tue 3 Apr 2012 - 18:08 | 7,931 views
APC’s submission for Ecuador to the UPR process, with support from CIESPAL and Radialistas Apasionadas y Apasionados, focuses on issues of access to the internet and highlights the critical importance of the internet for human rights, as well as social and economic development. Although the first UPR of Ecuador did not include reference to internet-related human rights issues, the events of 2011…

Feminist talk

'Love Letter to the Soldier' - video that moves people to change

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2012 - 03:50 | 4,757 views
Maria Goreti, a papuan woman, was left pregnant and abandoned by an indonesian soldier. She and her 3-year-old daughter are still waiting for him to return. South to South Film Festival award-winning short film “Love letter to the Soldier” by EngageMedia tells her story.

Feminist talk

Help us to "make the connection" between human rights and internet rights

Posted Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 00:03 | 8,681 views
When did you first realise how your freedom of expression or association could be violated online? When did you first "make the connection" between human rights and internet rights as a women human rights defender? The "Connect Your Rights campaign" campaign and is calling for submissions of blogs, poems, digital stories, artwork and other visuals to help others make the connection.

In depth

Stripping the IGF bare: where are women´s rights?

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 15:44 | 9,417 views's editors, Flavia Fascendini and Katerina Fialova, speak with the APC WNSP members who took part at the Sixth Internet Governance Forum that took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 27-30 September 2011. In the interview, Chat García Ramilo, Dafne Sabanes Plou, Jac sm Kee, Jan Moolman, and Jennifer Radloff from the APC Women´s Programme offer their insights regarding gender balance and…


6th UN IGF: Statement by the Gender Dynamic Coalition on gender equality and women's rights

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2011 - 07:43 | 7,594 views
The Gender Dynamic Coalition statement issued during the 6th UN Internet Governance Forum in September 2011, in Kenya, criticises the continued gender imbalance in both participation (as speakers and participants of workshops and sessions) and substance of the discussions at IGF. It also supports the call to make human rights the IGF 2012 theme and requests that equal attention be paid to women'…


UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2011 - 16:05 | 8,510 views
This Declaration recognises the legitimacy of human rights work and the need for these activities and those who carry them out to be protected. It articulates existing rights contained in the major human rights instruments, such as the right to freedom of expression, association and assembly, as they apply to the situation of human rights defenders. It also outlines that not only States, but also…


10 Internet Rights and Principles

Posted Thu 26 May 2011 - 05:32 | 5,559 views
This document defines ten key rights and principles recommended to form the basis of internet governance. They have been compiled by the Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition (IRP), an open network of individuals and organisations working to uphold human rights in the Internet environment. The principles are rooted in international human rights standards, and derive from the coalition'…


Internet rights are human rights, claims APC before the Human Rights Council

Posted Wed 25 May 2011 - 09:18 | 5,088 views
APC calls on states to repeal laws which criminalise online freedom of expression and to cease interference with freedom of expression by means which violate international human rights standards. The Statement emphasises that women’s human rights must be respected and protected and their rights to freedom of expression and association must not be restricted. The Statement is part of a set of…

Feminist talk

On sexuality and wikileaks...

Posted Wed 16 Feb 2011 - 13:50 | 5,671 views
This reflection was written by Jac sm Kee in December 2010, at the height of the Wikileaks' leak of diplomatic cables and the subsequent charge and arrest of Assange. Since much of the reflections and thoughts still stand, despite the case and incident having moved on since then, this is now republished as a blog post for Feminist Talk.