Feminist talk

Women in Black

Posted Thu 14 Sep 2006 - 23:16 | 4,883 views
When we went for dinner at the Settlers Monument on September 12, i was surprised to see the "Women in Black". Having been associatd with the women's movement in Africa, i thought these were the same people. But no! These were young women who were going to serve us food.

Feminist talk

Where are the Women? At home, not being assertive.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 2006 - 06:34 | 4,813 views
I arrived with 3 other Association for Progressive Communications Africa Women project (AAW) delegates on Monday morning to attend the Highway Africa conference in a raining Grahamstown, South Africa. In today’s Open Source publication, the headline “Be assertive to have a gender sensitive HA!” made me shake my head. Last year, women protested the lack of women speakers – this was obviously not “…

Feminist talk

Let the people speak! Days of hope and optimism

Posted Thu 14 Sep 2006 - 06:27 | 4,065 views
Tracey Naughton started off the session on community media at the Highway Africa conference with an old recording of the ANC’s radio station. As the speakers crackled with an Mkhonto we Sizwe song, delegates sat in silence. The session was a great summary of beginnings of the community radio sector in South Africa. Tracey Naughton and Lumka Mtimde mentioned that they are writing a book on the…

Feminist talk

Some african women journalists still writing their stories with hand

Posted Thu 14 Sep 2006 - 06:20 | 4,509 views
“If you want to connect to internet, you have to come earlier at the office, before the typists come and use the computers” says Bimbola Ayesola, a woman journalist working in Nigeria. This shows the sad reality of newsrooms in Africa. Women journalists still have a few access to ICTs. There have been ICTs workshops during the Highway conference to build African journalists skills. However, there…