Feminist talk

The digital mirror: Women’s relative invisibility in traditional media crosses over into digital platforms

Posted Wed 24 Feb 2016 - 07:35 | 10,452 views
This article highlights some of the 2015 findings of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP), coordinated by the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), in regard to digital news in particular. Since 1995, the GMMP, at five-year intervals, has measured the pace of change in women’s media representation and participation. In 2015, evidence from over 100 countries confirms that…


The Global Media Monitoring Project 2010

Posted Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 17:27 | 6,490 views
On 10 November 2009, the news media came under scrutiny in 108 countries. Trained volunteers from women's rights organizations, media professional associations, and universities monitored the representation of women and men and gender portrayal in their local news media. The GMMP Report 2010 reveals what they found. The 2010 GMMP is the first to address women in the online news media.

Feminist talk

Gender in the online news: The 2010 GMMP

Posted Wed 6 Oct 2010 - 01:41 | 7,830 views
Since the 1995 conference in Beijing, the Global Media Monitoring Project has provided a snapshot of gender imbalances in the world's media, once every five years. This year, they expanded the coverage from the 'traditional' media to take a look at the internet. Unfortunately, their findings were not encouraging.