Image description: Overhead photo of a group of people with phone

Feminist talk

"We would like to know how to use that ... smartphone"

Posted Mon 9 Mar 2020 - 05:53 | 4,491 views

Access to the internet and ICTs can often be about creating and finding surprising opportunities and uses. If women are familiar with smartphones and able to use them, then this is one way of ensuring that the next generation of girls are also able to access and adopt technology.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How young womxn in the Global South are reclaiming social media to foster change in educational spaces

Posted Mon 19 Mar 2018 - 02:58 | 4,709 views
In the final column on reclaiming social media for women's rights, gender justice and parity, Samukelisiwe looks at how girls and young women have fought for their rights in the global South; and how Gen X, Y and Z has redefined the use of the internet and is reshaping politics both online and onground.