Feminist talk

31 October: Good or bad? Harmful or not? Legal or illegal? – the challenge of regulating internet content

Posted Wed 1 Nov 2006 - 03:21 | 4,006 views
Who defines what is harmful and illegal internet content? How do we regulate online content? Participants in the panel discussion “Content regulations from gender and development perspective” organized by the Association for Progressive Communications - Women's Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) in the ongoing Internet Governance Forum debate on these contentious points.

Feminist talk

31 October: Covering the Openness @ IGF

Posted Wed 1 Nov 2006 - 01:29 | 4,287 views
A long table with panelists, a long but very good session, taste of diversity of opinions and standpoints, that is the very shortest i can say about Openness session which took place in main Hall, from 10 util 13, on Tuesday, 31st of October.

Feminist talk

Why are we here? Women participants at the IGF told us why they came to Athens

Posted Tue 31 Oct 2006 - 07:18 | 10,022 views
GenderIt blogging team member Mavic Cabrera-Balleza is interviewing women participants in the ongoing Internet Governance Forum in Athens to find out their agenda in coming to the IGF. CHECK OUT the comments under the article!

Feminist talk

30 October 2006: Internet Governance Forum - What is it All About?

Posted Mon 30 Oct 2006 - 12:41 | 3,889 views
Quite a number of women --including those who have been following gender and ICT discussions--are having a difficulty understanding Internet Governance as a concept. Needless to say, we have encountered quite a number of questions on what the Internet Governance Forum is.

Feminist talk

30 October 2006: IGF Opening - Setting the (Gender Disparate?) Scene

Posted Mon 30 Oct 2006 - 12:36 | 3,814 views
It's not a huge surprise but still a big disappointment: women are a very small minority in today's opening of the first Internet Governance Forum in Athens, Greece.