Feminist talk

Privacy and Security Clinics @ AWID - Day 4 22 April

Posted Sun 22 Apr 2012 - 03:00 | 4,108 views
Are you at the 12th AWID forum? Come and join us for hands-on sessions on Security and Privacy. Tactical Tech Collective and Front Line Defenders will be running these very important sessions in partnership with APC. The sessions will be *fantastic*!

Feminist talk

Advocating for a Revolutionary Consciousness

Posted Sat 21 Apr 2012 - 16:44 | 6,121 views
First day I got my tag-name as other 2500 women, LGBT…

Feminist talk

MENA: Who talks for the region?

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2012 - 16:49 | 6,439 views
I am an AWID participant, and it is my first time to attend the forum.I attended the first session of in-depth session on “Women’s Rights and Transitions to Democracy in the MENA region”and I stayed only for the introduction of the panelists, I was disappointed and I left. I found no young feminists on board, no one who is actually taking part on the ground in the region, the panelists came from…

Feminist talk

Filtered by the state, inspired by Gita Sen

Posted Thu 19 Apr 2012 - 17:00 | 7,747 views
Today Gita Sen said “we are in a fierce vicious unequal new economic world where battlegrounds are many” and a few hours later in the session on “Commodification of knowledge: how increasing access and availability of the internet had transformed the way knowledge is produced and shared” a participant made us notice that “We were being watched." And it's true behind the gorgeous beauty of…

Feminist talk

Anonymize yourself: digital security and feminist practice of technology

Posted Thu 19 Apr 2012 - 15:54 | 9,522 views
As the day passed I saw myself surrendering to the fact that there is nothing good in the laziness of a routine that prevent us from thinking about technological abuse that we as women activists can suffer and make the other suffering. When on the 18 we had the feminist tech exchange I understood that I need, I have to anonymize myself.