Feminist talk

The privacy puzzle - part I

Posted Tue 17 Nov 2009 - 03:46 | 8,009 views
I attended two sessions on privacy yesterday and today. Both raised interesting points and approaches to the issue of privacy in a networked society. At the last IGF, privacy was a concern, but I definitely noticed a visible escalation of its importance this year. And it's being closely linked to the area of social networking (with an entire…

Feminist talk

Some Thoughts on Youth Participation at the IGF

Posted Tue 17 Nov 2009 - 03:26 | 7,147 views

Feminist talk

Swimming in my crocs: IGF Day 1

Posted Sun 15 Nov 2009 - 15:25 | 4,132 views
Trying to find the room where the ITU child protection open forum took place this morning on the first day of the IGF, I was struck by how many people knew each other. Everywhere I turned I saw people greeting each other like long lost friends. “Was Hyderabad the last time I saw you?” “Tunis feels like a lifetime ago doesn’t it?” – snippets of conversation accompanied handshakes and the…

Feminist talk

The end of IGF? Mulling on its point and pointlessness

Posted Sun 15 Nov 2009 - 15:21 | 5,214 views
Today is the start of the fourth Internet Governance Forum
(IGF). Took yet another shuttle bus into another conference centre that
has heavy security - or at least the show of it - big Alsatian dogs,
burly men in uniforms and guns, mirror-checks under vehicles, bags into
x-ray machines and so on. The next IGF is…

Feminist talk

The Tyranny of Binaries: Child Protection, Sexuality and Safety Online.

Posted Sun 15 Nov 2009 - 14:55 | 6,177 views

Is it just me or does the schedule for the Internet Governance Forum conference in Sharm El Sheikh seem
to pop with the words youth, security, protection, empowerment, child? At least
two sessions every day focus on these themes.

I attended a session today titled The…