
Internet Governance Forum 2015: Learnings from the gender report cards

Posted Thu 1 Dec 2016 - 11:53 | 7,330 views
In IGF 2015 gender report cards were completed for a total of 107 workshops – more than double the 51 regional workshops reported on in 2015. A summary and analysis of the discussion and comments are included here.


Internet Governance Forum 2014: Results from the Gender Report Card

Posted Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 09:41 | 12,555 views
This report summarises the contents of the Gender Report Card sections of the workshop reports from the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) of 2014. Similar summaries were done by APC for the 2012 and 2013 IGF events.

Feminist talk

Moderate progress in gender parity and inclusion at the IGF between 2012-2013

Posted Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 13:18 | 5,931 views
APC summarised the contents of the Gender Report Card sections of the workshop reports from the Internet Governance Forum of 2012 in Azerbaijan, and the 2013 IGF in Indonesia.

Feminist talk

Gender Report Card at the IGF in Bali: Take this on!

Posted Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 08:54 | 4,582 views
The IGF Gender Report Card is an initiative to measure the level of progress on the inclusion of gender equality and the promotion women’s empowerment in this important internet governance policy dialogue process. Are you at the IGF? Take this on! Invite others to take part in monitoring.

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Results from the Gender Report Card at the 2012 IGF: More women make a huge difference

Posted Wed 16 Oct 2013 - 12:01 | 9,683 views
This report summarises the contents of the Gender Report Card sections of the workshop reports from the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) of 2012. Interestingly, it shows among other interesting outputs, that gender was most likely to be mentioned in those workshops in which women were most likely to participate.

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Women at the IGF: Now we need to mainstream gender

Posted Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 08:19 | 10,020 views
This year's Internet Governance Forum came to a close in Baku, Azerbaijan on 16 November. contributor Sonia Randhawa spoke to three women about their experiences at the IGF, and whether any progress is being made in terms of the representation of women, and the prominence of women's rights and gender as cross-cutting issues for internet goverance. Jac sm Kee is from Malaysia and…

Feminist talk

IGF Gender Report Cards

Posted Tue 18 Oct 2011 - 08:09 | 9,669 views
APC WNSP is sharing some preliminary results of the gender report cards initiative. This was a pilot initiative put forward by the Association for Progressive Communications to monitor and assess the level of gender parity and inclusion at this year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Although the numbers of sessions monitored were relatively small, and that a deeper analysis is needed, the…


Scoring participation – how does change happen for women in the IGF

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 16:39 | 8,997 views
During the years of my school and university studies, report cards caused me high levels of anxiety but with some underlying optimism. Report cards assumed all-knowing experts were making decisions around my abilities and progress. It would invariably be a measure of success or failure and would expose my weak points and (hopefully) highlight my positive traits. But they always had a judgemental…

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Stripping the IGF bare: where are women´s rights?

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2011 - 15:44 | 9,417 views's editors, Flavia Fascendini and Katerina Fialova, speak with the APC WNSP members who took part at the Sixth Internet Governance Forum that took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 27-30 September 2011. In the interview, Chat García Ramilo, Dafne Sabanes Plou, Jac sm Kee, Jan Moolman, and Jennifer Radloff from the APC Women´s Programme offer their insights regarding gender balance and…