Feminist talk

Bamako WSF march spells out Another Africa was possible

Posted Tue 24 Jan 2006 - 14:59 | 4,313 views
Traffic came to a stand still in Mali at the start of the Polycentric World Social Forum (WSF) as about 6000 people marched in Bamako’s Independence Statue through to the stadium called Stade Omini Sports Modibo Keita carrying banners with different solidarity messages saying Another Africa was possible. Campaigns coordinator for Jubilie South Africa Makaoma Lekalakala was happy to see that 70…

Feminist talk

World Women Courts hear untold stories

Posted Tue 24 Jan 2006 - 14:53 | 4,088 views
World Court of women on resistance to wars, wars of globalisation, and wars against women heard stories in poetic and visual presentations of testimonies of women from all over the world at the Polycentric World Social Forum (WSF) in Bamako.

Feminist talk

Feminist dialogue urges women to embrace ICTs

Posted Sat 21 Jan 2006 - 12:21 | 5,554 views
The African women’s movement, which is meeting at the Bamako World Social Forum (WSF) Feminist Dialogue, have recognised the access to new technologies as one of the strategies, they need to use to advance themselves as movement.

Feminist talk

ICTs a need for women's movements

Posted Fri 20 Jan 2006 - 06:01 | 5,378 views
The Bamako Polycentric World Social Forum (WSF) kicked off yesterday with a 70 percent of people being women from all walks of life. The WSF is an event of great importance to African people as a very first opportunity for a collective and democratic expression in their fights against exploitation of people and their resources.