
Mapping Digital Landscapes of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

Posted Thu 8 Nov 2018 - 03:30 | 4,857 views

This report on Mapping Digital Landscapes of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe provides a regional overview of digital organizing by trans activists in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, emphasizing shared patterns of digital usage, barriers to free and safe use of the internet, and resistance strategies to homo/transphobic-motivated censorship, surveillance, and online attacks…

Feminist talk

Flesh rather than word

Posted Tue 19 Dec 2017 - 05:51 | 7,848 views
In 2017 the Independent Expert for Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression and the Yogyakarta +10 principles acknowledged the specific social, cultural, health and other issues that are faced by those who are gender non conforming, and non-binary. This article looks at the online lives of those who challenge, play with, question and disrupt the gender binary, and do more - who are visibly and…

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Expert on my own Experience: Conversations with Neo Musangi

Posted Wed 13 Sep 2017 - 05:47 | 8,652 views
Neo Musangi is a performing and visual artist, academic and researcher. They are non-binary (preferred pronouns: they and them). In this interview Neo talks about various things – sexuality and gender based groups, the women’s movement and feminism, the role of visual and performing art and their disgruntlement with academia, being non binary openly and publicly both online and offline.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Access and Beyond (5): How do we address the gender question?

Posted Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 03:59 | 6,134 views
In this last column by Chenai Chair following the gender implications of the research by Research ICT Africa on access, she explores how researchers and activists can proactively explore gender dimensions. Even as ITU figures point to a progressively increasing gender digital divide, there are steps to take to understand and address this divide.

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An ongoing conversation on feminist autonomous infrastructure: Erika Smith and Kéfir

Posted Wed 2 Aug 2017 - 07:54 | 8,123 views

What began as a small fundraising drive in July 2017 for Kéfir, a feminist libre tech co-op, has transformed into exploring the importance of feminist infrastructure in Latin America. This is an ongoing conversation between Erika Smith, from Take Back the Tech and APC-WRP with members of the collective Kéfir on infrastructure and the internet, labour in movements, and how to set up new…