Feminist talk
Community networks and feminist infrastructure: reclaiming local knowledge and technologies beyond connectivity solutions
What is feminist infrastructure? Our lives are determined now by technology and especially data and surveillance. How can we undermine the existing technological hegemony and rebuild infrastructures that accommodate different realities and needs through community networks?
Feminist talk
Weaving a Community Together – From Grassroots to Tech
A photo essay of a community network and the women working at the radio station and using the community network located just at the outskirts of Bangalore in India.
Feminist talk
News about our community network – Portal sem Porteiras
In this layered podcast, the members of Portal sem Porteiras, Marcela and Luisa explore their excitement over the possibilities of their community network and how they are re-finding meaning and solace in connections.
In depth
Privileging the social over the technical in community networks: Interview with Sol Luca De Tena
Zenzeleni, which means ‘do it yourself’ in isiXhosa, has become exemplary of the unique challenges and remarkable successes of a community network in the global south. In this interview, Sol Luca de Tena discusses how the cooperative business model for Zenzeleni has evolved to center community needs and priorities.
In depth
Community networks for raising awareness of women's rights: Interview with Chako Armant
In this interview with Chako Armant who researches and works on a community network on the island of Idjwi in DRC, she talks about running a community network while there is ongoing uncertainty and conflict, and how they are addressing norms around gender and technology.
Feminist talk
Connecting reflections through a community network's experience in Brazil
Community networks in quilombolas from Terra Seca/Ribeirão Grande in Brazil have been helping households to connect to the internet while serving individual needs of residents. In the backdrop of the FIRN research exploring the same, the authors discuss how these community-led networks connect communities with technology.
Infrastructures of resistance: Community networks hacking the global crisis
Community networks proved that an infrastructure is only as robust as the more caring of its communal nodes. In this second year of living in times of unequal global health crisis, we are glad to present this special edition of GenderIT.org: Infrastructures of resistance: Community networks hacking the global crisis and to share with our readers how intersectional approaches in CNs…
Infrastructures of resistance: Community networks hacking the global crisis
In times of crisis, community networks proved that an infrastructure is only as robust as the more caring of its communal nodes. We are glad to present the special edition: Infrastructures of resistance: Community networks hacking the global crisis. Read the editorial article, by Adriana Labardini.
In depth
Community networks as infrastructures of resistance: Re-centring the needs of women and communities in technology-making and connectivity
This article situates the role of community networks that strive to deliver on technology’s promise of greater gender equality, making the case for recentring the needs of women and communities in technology-making and connectivity, as infrastructures of resistance in times of crisis.
Feminist talk
The contribution of bell hooks and Paulo Freire to the construction of community networks
In this article, Daiane Araujo discuss the link between popular education and community networks, and argues that class, race and gender should be part of the analysis in the implementation of autonomous infrastructure and technical training dedicated to digitally excluded communities.