Podcasts and Videos

Understanding Hate and Hate Speech: What does it mean for women and other oppressed groups?

Posted Wed 27 Apr 2022 - 07:57 | 2,066 views

Living under constant fear of being targeted with religious hate and hate speech is a shared experience of Sri Lanka’s Muslim community. In this podcast, journalist and researcher Sara Pathirana talks to Sheikh Arkam Nooramith – a Sri Lankan Islamic scholar, and Ms. Hafsah Muheed – an experienced professional working on gender-based violence and women’s health, about how the community deals…

Lets go beyond ticking boxes: gender and sexuality in internet policy

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 10:09 | 11,142 views

Between the crisis brought about by the anti-gender backlash, the strength of new voices speaking about intersectionality and gender expression from the LGBTI communities in different parts of the world - NOW marks a moment when we should look at what should be our priorities and concerns in relation to internet and technology.

Image description: Photo of poster saying No gender: Hands of the children.

Feminist talk

Propping up patriarchy: Threats of the growing anti-gender movement

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2019 - 02:55 | 10,553 views

Across Brazil, Bulgaria, Poland and at the international level there is a vicious and concerted attempt to dilute the language around gender in policy and UN mechanisms which targets any gains in gender equality, advocates exclusion of LGBTIQ people and restrictions on sexual and reproductive rights. The attack on gender is real and here, what are we going to do about it?


Sonia Corrêa on “Gender Ideology” for 2019 CREA Conference

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 - 02:26 | 5,960 views

An incisive and global analysis of anti-gender politics or gender ideology which Sonia Correa describes as a hydra that has different faces and coalesces into various coalitions in various contexts in Latin America, Europe and north America.

African School of Internet Governance 2018

Feminist talk

A cat among pigeons: Gender, culture and internet governance at AFRISIG 2018

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 - 03:50 | 3,617 views

All feminists have had to ask themselves in several gatherings and meetings - when can I raise the gender question? Sheena Magenya here reflects on her experiences at AFRISIG 2018, and goes deep into the question of how do we navigate, understand and eventually change such spaces.

Image description: Visible outline of person against wall of apps


Are we just ticking boxes: Bringing up and expanding notions of gender in internet policy and governance

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 09:43 | 4,546 views

Can policy and law accommodate genders that are not confined by the binaries or are fluid? Spaces around governance often display an acute dysphasia and inability to comprehend what lies beyond and between categories, especially of gender.

Feminist talk

The nerdiest and most open of them all: Internet Freedom Festival 2017

Posted Fri 7 Apr 2017 - 03:51 | 4,245 views
The Internet Freedom Festival is refreshingly different from most forums around internet rights and technology - it is almost equal in gender ratio, welcoming of gender non conforming and trans persons, and takes privacy of its participants at the venue seriously. Smita Vanniyar tells us more about their experience at the festival this year in Valencia, Spain.

Feminist talk

[BOOK REVIEW] Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer counterpublics in Latin America

Posted Wed 5 Apr 2017 - 12:29 | 4,911 views
'Interpreting the internet: Feminist and Queer Counterpublics in Latin America by Elisabeth Jay Friedman looks at a decade long engagement of feminist and women's movements with technology. Alan Finlay reviews the book for GenderIT.org, and finds it to be essential reading for anyone interested in how feminist (or any) counterpublics are formed and shaped by appropriating whatever technology is…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Gender Binary: Second Life, First Loves

Posted Mon 30 Jan 2017 - 05:42 | 11,950 views

In this column, Nadika Nadja explores the world of gaming and how it opened up realms of experience for her. Second Life, an enormous immersive multiplayer game, and many other similar environments on the internet, have been revelatory and powerful spaces for people to discover aspects of themselves, particularly in terms of gender and sexuality. From shame and fear, to play and sex, and to…

Feminist talk

Beyond the offline-online binary – why women need a new global social contract

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 - 02:19 | 8,034 views
The non-territorial, transborder Internet has added layers of complexity to the human rights debate. The idea of substantive equality – a compass for human rights and the key to gender justice – must be interpreted anew and afresh, as the force of digital technologies complicates the nature of social relations and institutions. The easy binary divisions of online and offline cease to make sense…