Image description: Water cannons on protestors in HOng Kong

Feminist talk

Where is feminism in the Hong Kong protests? Issues in the context of the anti-extradition movement

Posted Tue 19 Nov 2019 - 10:19 | 16,765 views

What can feminists expect from the revolution of our times? In this article about the recent uprising in Hong Kong against the control of the Beijing government, we take a look at the complexities that feminists and LGBTQI+ activists have to live with, in spite of working for freedom and democracy alongside and in movements.

Lets go beyond ticking boxes: gender and sexuality in internet policy

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 10:09 | 11,142 views

Between the crisis brought about by the anti-gender backlash, the strength of new voices speaking about intersectionality and gender expression from the LGBTI communities in different parts of the world - NOW marks a moment when we should look at what should be our priorities and concerns in relation to internet and technology.


Offline and Out of Pocket: The Impact of the Social Media Tax in Uganda on Access, Usage, Income and Productivity

Posted Wed 13 Feb 2019 - 04:58 | 7,792 views

What is the impact of the social media tax in Uganda on the lives of ordinary people - including their productivity and income, access and usage of social media and the internet. Through interviews and discussions, the report explores how people are affected by the tax on the use of platforms such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter.

Feminist talk

Online GBV in Palestine means losing out on women's participation

Posted Mon 11 Jun 2018 - 07:37 | 11,573 views
In recent times there has been a dramatic increase in the use of internet and social media by Palestinians. In this context there is also a rising wave of online gender-based violence that leads to intimidation of women and self-censorship, which means that often women are withdrawing from social media platforms that are an arena of political and social confrontation against the Israeli…



Posted Wed 19 Aug 2015 - 08:18 | 11,953 views
This pa­per ser­ves to dis­cuss di­gi­tal as a space for po­li­tics to play out, in par­ti­cu­lar in re­la­ti­on to pu­blics and coun­ter pu­blics. It does so through the lens of what oc­cur­red in 2012 at Jo­han­nes­burg Pri­de South Af­ri­ca.

Feminist talk

What's the point of the revolution if we can't tweet? Women Human Rights Defenders speak out

Posted Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 08:24 | 5,718 views
Syrian activist and blogger Razan Ghazzawi and Lebanese activist, blogger and APC's EROTICS project coordinator Nadine Moawad were joined by Kate Kroeger, Executive Director of the Urgent Action Fund and Mary Lawlor, Executive Director of Front Line Defenders for a lively panel on the challenges faced by women human rights defenders and what the international community can do to help.

Crossing borders : cyberspace and national security

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 15:45 | 14,220 views
This edition of explores the online safety of women human rights defenders from the perspective of national security and counter-terrorism. National security often encompasses a variety of security threats, including those in cyberspace. While national security measures are meant to protect the security of a nation and its citizen, in many contexts they serve as a pretext for…


Let’s stop our fear of tech leading to misuse of security legislation

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 15:28 | 10,751 views
I was very happy when I was asked to be guest editor of this edition of on women human rights defenders (WHRD) and national cyber security policies. This is an important and timely issue for WHRDs because the misuse of counter-terrorism legislation to quell dissent and further marginalise minority voices is on the rise.

In depth

Egypt: Cyber-security as a priority and an integral part of human rights advocacy

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 08:32 | 8,697 views correspondent Mavic Cabrera-Balleza interviews Yara Sallam, Manager of the Women Human Rights Defenders Program at Nazra for Feminist Studies in Egypt, on the challenging reality for women human rights defenders, how they are affected by measures taken by the government in the name of “national security”, and strategies used to address threats to WHRD's cybersecurity.

In depth

Collateral damage of the cyberwar in Syria

Posted Wed 24 Oct 2012 - 16:50 | 18,444 views
Jennifer Radloff and Grady Johnson speak to a Syrian activist in exile about the government increasing tendency to securitize the internet and crack down freedom of expression and freedom to privacy on-line. They also talk how limited access to ICTs, self-censorship due to widespread surveillance and reliance on commercial social networks in combination with a general lack of technical knowledge…