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TIC : Femmes, logiciels libres, copyrights, …les oubliés du législateur et du décideur mauritaniens

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 7,126 views
Les logiciels libres sont une vraie solution aux problèmes de fracture numérique qu’engendre le sous -développement. En effet, il est désormais indéniable qu’ils ont, avec l’implication des femmes et leur prise en compte comme actrices incontournables, une part importante à jouer dans la création d’un environnement favorable à un développement équitable et durable.

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Les droits d’auteur et les brevets limitent–ils l’accès aux connaissances et au traitement du VIH/SIDA en Afrique?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 7,440 views
Le dernier rapport de 2008 de l’ONUSIDA confirme que l’Afrique subsaharienne reste la région du monde la plus sérieusement affectée par le VIH, et représente les deux tiers (671%) du total des personnes vivant avec le VIH et les trois quarts (75%) des décès dus au SIDA en 2007. Environ 1,9 million de personnes ont été nouvellement infectées par le VIH en Afrique subsaharienne.

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ICTs: Women, free software, copyrights,… forgotten by Mauritanian legislators and decision-makers

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 7,090 views
Fatma Mint Elkory Oumrane takes a look at the progress Mauritania is making in encouraging open access to materials, its copyright regime and how these impact on women. She examines the role of women as ICT graduates and looks at how the government is helping overcome the various digital divides - and the large amount of work that remains to be done.

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We assume FOSS benefits all equally. But does it really?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 11,417 views
FOSS has the potential to change the way women relate with ICTs, allowing for more control over the tools they use. As Users, women will have the freedom from steep licensing fees and the opportunity to influence software development to meet their needs. As developers, the open principle behind FOSS encourages a more collaborative environment, in which women may discover more freedom to create…


African Copyright & Access to Knowledge Project

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 5,676 views
The African Copyright…


Free/Libre/Open Source Software Asian Developers Online Survey (FLOSS-ASIA)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,141 views
The objective of the survey was to determine the situation regarding open source software/free software (OSS/FS) engineers in Japan by gathering information directly from open source/free software developers themselves. The results will be used in personnel training in relevant technical fields, in planning policy for technology promotion and other areas.


FLOSS-US. The Free/Libre/Open source software survey for 2003

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,554 views
This is the Final report of a second large-scale survey of 1588 developers of open source and free software, which was called the FLOSS-US survey for 2003. The first FLOSS survey targeted primarily European OS/FS developers, with 71% of respondents living in Europe or Russia, only 13% living in the United States, and roughly 17% living elsewhere in Europe or the world. The FLOSS-US survey sampled…


Free/Libre and open source software: survey and study FLOSS

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,420 views
This document forms the final report for the FLOSS project.

The Project objectives were remedy the lack of information on Free/Libre/Open Source Software starting at the very beginning: by conducting surveys to generate a unique base of primary data on Free/Open Source Software usage and development; identifying indicators to measure value creation and dissemination in…


A Techno-Feminist Perspective on the Free/Libre Open Source

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 5,627 views
This paper tries to analyse the FLOSS development from a

"techno-feminist" perspective (Wajcman 2004). Staying away from a reductionism that simplifies the gender issue in the FLOSS community to the level of a fight between men and women, the issues I attempt to address include not only the inequality that women face in computing, but also other inequalities that other users face…


Gender & FLOSS, Asia Source Tech Camp

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,052 views
This statement on Gender and Free/Libre & Open Source Software (F/LOSS) was written by participants of a session on Gender & F/LOSS at the Asia Source Tech Camp, held in Bangalore on 28th January - 4th February, 2005. The Statement looks at gender in the context of the camp, with an aim to inform planning of similar F/LOSS workshops in the future.