Gender, sexuality and the internet

Posted Wed 20 Aug 2014 - 07:52 | 14,612 views
Have we taken over the internet or has it taken us over? Are we using or being used by the internet? How can we resist the globalised commodification of the internet and defend it as open, diffused, decentralised and subversive? Is the divide between our online and offline lives blurring? Is this empowering or threatening? Many fascinating questions that look not for a definite and absolute…

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The not-so-strange feeling that someone’s always watching you

Posted Tue 12 Aug 2014 - 11:31 | 22,182 views
“The neighbour resembling plastic-bag-recording Ricky in American Beauty, who takes surreptitious pictures of you while collecting the day’s post. That picture of me that I posted 7 years ago on MySpace that’s now doing the rounds on some misogynistic Reddit thread. That nanny cam set up to protect your 6-year-old niece whose footage ends up on a child porn site. For most women, Big Brother lives…


Internet intermediaries and violence against women online: User policies and redress framework of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Posted Sun 3 Aug 2014 - 22:57 | 22,150 views
A recent report, “Internet intermediaries and violence against women online” released by the Association for Progressive Communications for the “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project, analyses the policies and redress framework of the three major internet intermediaries: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, in regard to violence against women online. These case studies allow APC to…


Two weeks to push for greater recognition of our rights

Posted Mon 7 Apr 2014 - 10:10 | 14,075 views
What did we do for two weeks in New York? We participated in one of the most interesting and combative meetings for the advancement of women's rights worldwide. The annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a major event on the calendar of governments and women's organisations because it is where discussions take place on advances and unmet goals under the Beijing Platform…

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Alberto Cerda: "There are many more international agreements to protect intellectual property than to protect people's privacy"

Posted Wed 2 Apr 2014 - 13:27 | 13,039 views
Alberto Cerda is the international affairs director at Derechos Digitales, a Chilean NGO, and a specialist in intellectual property and privacy issues. In this interview, he analyses the legislation and policies being adopted in Latin America to deal with online violence against women involving the invasion of privacy, and the responsibility assigned to internet intermediaries and individuals.

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CSW58: "We need to move beyond agreements towards public policies that will fulfil the commitments made to women"

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 15:49 | 13,824 views
The 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) took place from 10 to 21 March 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. “Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for women and girls" was this year's priority theme. The participation of women's organisations in CSW sessions provides an opportunity for delegations to…

GISWatch 2013: Setting the agenda on women’s rights, gender and ICTs

Posted Tue 3 Dec 2013 - 18:23 | 8,826 views
In the 2013 Global Information Society Watch’s institutional overview entitled "Whose internet is it anyway? Shaping the internet – feminist voices in governance decision making":…, Heike…

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Jamaican household workers use cell phones to protect their rights and improve the working conditions

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 16:01 | 15,331 views
Leith Dunn and Hopeton Dunn from the Institute for Gender and Development Studies Mona Unit, and Mona ICT Policy Centre, at the University of the West Indies, are the authors of the Global Information Society Watch article entitled “Women’s rights, gender and ICTs: Empowering household workers in Jamaica”. In this interview they told why they chose this subject, how the sector of…

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Cook Islands: Pushing for women leaders

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 16:00 | 14,468 views
The Global Information Society Watch Cook Islands report was released, written by Maureen Hilyard, Alexis Wolfgramm and Lynnsay Rongokea from the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association. Analía Lavin interviewed Maureen Hilyard, one of the authors, on the main issues women face online, on gender equality in the political system, and on the role of the media.

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Let's talk about gender analysis in the LAC IGF

Posted Mon 30 Sep 2013 - 15:39 | 16,835 views
The APC Women's Rights Programme attended the preparatory meeting prior to the Latin American Internet Governance Forum held in late August in Córdoba, Argentina. Attending were Erika Smith, Dafne Sabanes Plou, and Flavia Fascendini. The Spanish language editor of interviewed both feminists to analyse whether the internet governance debate still marginalises gender issues, or if they…