Technology for feminist creativity and care

Posted Mon 22 Oct 2018 - 06:49 | 13,453 views

This bilingual edition is born of many conversations and moments at the two camps held in parallel in August this year (2018) at Dhulikhel, Nepal - the Take back the Tech! meet and the Feminist Tech Exchange.

A woman holding a puzzle piece and placing it on a mobile phone screen

Feminist talk

Learning digital security as a “non-techie”

Posted Thu 30 Sep 2021 - 18:53 | 5,002 views

This article expresses personal experience of navigating the digital space and learning about digital security in a world filled with neurotypical upper caste people in authority.

Barbara Paes with young women in a workshop

Feminist talk

Bárbara Paes on Black feminist cyberactivists in Brazil and the neoliberalism of "women in tech"

Posted Tue 10 Nov 2020 - 11:36 | 4,553 views

Ani Hao interviews Bárbara Paes, a young Brazilian feminist, co-founder of Minas Programam. In this conversation they delve into Black feminist activism in Brazil, feminism funding and the co-optation of gender issues in technology spaces.

two squirrels observe a data centre in a field

Feminist talk

Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint | Part 3

Posted Tue 10 Nov 2020 - 10:35 | 4,797 views

In the third part of the webcomic "The footprint of the Internet", Nadège tells us how green washing hides the complex intersections between technologies, territory and capitalism. But the resistance and self-determination of communities persists...

Learning how to care: a more mindful relationship with digital technologies

Feminist talk

Webcomic: The Internet’s Footprint | Part 2

Posted Tue 13 Oct 2020 - 18:07 | 9,467 views

Inhabiting internet causes a huge footprint on land, nature and bodies. An impact that can be violent and abusive. But we can learn how to create a more attentive and sensitive relationship with digital technologies.

Internet has a big footprint

Feminist talk

Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint

Posted Fri 24 Jul 2020 - 14:03 | 8,449 views

We often hear that the internet is a cloud. But the internet has a big footprint. With this first release we start a reflective webcomic series around internet's infrastructure from a feminist technopolitical perspective.

Abstract srawing with people and buildings

In depth

Machín 2 Machín (II): A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks

Posted Mon 10 Aug 2020 - 17:33 | 10,884 views

In the second part of their article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom alert us to the dangers of a romanticization of technologies and develop a psychosocial and feminist approach as a tool to face the new wave of hyperconnectivity that is announced with 5G.

In depth

A technopolitical approach to online gender-based violence

Posted Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 00:45 | 15,478 views

Technology is not gender neutral and this article shows how social media companies and tech corporations play a role in perpetuating online gender-based violence. What we need is a critical examination of the tools available and their underlying techno-politics so we can create community alternatives for feminist communication.


[DECLARATION] Decolonising the internet: Second International Cyberfeminist Meeting

Posted Tue 15 May 2018 - 06:27 | 10,795 views
Digital technologies, with their diversity of tools and devices, their opportunities and risks, represent key spaces for feminist, queer, LGBT* and anti-racist political action. Contrary to the decentralisation and democratisation promised by the internet, it is now largely owned by large social media corporations, technology and service companies. In view of the struggles for power and narrative…

Making a feminist internet: Building movements, remembering resistance, hacking security and care

Posted Fri 10 Nov 2017 - 08:08 | 8,567 views

From the cataclysmic and profoundly loud speaking out that took place spontaneously across varied contexts with #metoo to understanding, owning and building feminist infrastructure, there is a lot that we can do as feminist activists. In this edition we take a peek at the Making a Feminist Internet meeting in Malaysia that took place early October, 2017.