Feminist talk
RED: A Documentary Exploring the Cost Of Menstruation
Njeri Maina produced a documentary that speaks about the “Poverty Period” in Kenya. In her production, Njeri tries to build and weave a narrative that exposes the cultural stigma and stereotypes that are related to menstruation and how such socially constructed beliefs and ideas are used to discriminate against women and girls in public and private spaces. Njeri also explores how class status…
Feminist talk
The War On Time
Co-editor Dr. Dimah shares with us this existential piece she wrote “The War on time.” With it she sets us free from slaving ourselves by the entrapment of time that we created with a flawed understanding of time, and what time is meant for. The piece is also meant to provide a reflective piece into the journey Dimah and Tigist have had in this editorial process; and the conception of time as…