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What Is 'Harmful to Minors'? US EroTICs Partner Investigates Library Search Filters

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:21 | 8,075 views
In this article, Kevicha Echols and Melissa Ditmore from Sex Work Awareness (SWA), researchers for the APC's EroTICs project, investigate the use of filters on public library computers with internet access. People in the United States (US) enjoy a great deal of access to information in print and online media due to the first amendment of the US constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech,…

In depth

Negotiating transgender identities on a South African web site

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:21 | 8,365 views
Jeanne Prinsloo, the APC's EroTICs project partner in South Africa, looks at the use of the internet by South African transgender people, and examines the internet's role in the process of transitioning from one gender identity to another. She concludes that the internet provides a critical space for trans people to access support, to rehearse their new identity, to hear marginalised narratives…

Feminist talk

From the “J” spot to the cru"X" of the matter

Posted Tue 30 Mar 2010 - 09:40 | 7,536 views
Where is women's "J" spot? asks Jan Moolman, making a play on the word "G-spot", in reference to Maria Suárez's (Radio FIRE) analysis of why Section J was not a priority issue at the 10-year review of the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing + 10). Moolman, in agreement with Suárez, used the word "ghetto" to emphasise that media issues and ICTs (information and…

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about section J - Access to Internet in Lebanon

Posted Sat 6 Mar 2010 - 08:28 | 5,851 views
Nadine Moawad talks about what's going on the internet in Lebanon from a gender perspective.

Feminist talk

Secret and sexy

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 08:52 | 5,914 views
When there’s something wrong with the internet connection at home, it is not my grandparents who are fixing it. It is not my mum or dad. It is my boyfriend. It is my brothers. It is me. We are the first generation who are brought up in the digital age – in a world wide web with Wikipedia as our library and Skype as our phone. In the case of internet, it is not necessarily the parents educating…

Feminist talk

Video: Finally, another take on sexuality

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 08:41 | 4,654 views
Video: Jan Moolman speaks with Wieke Vink from the Youth Coalition on Sexual and Sexual Reproductive Rights, about issues raised at the APC WNSP IGF 2009 workshop: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights - Privacy, Agency & Security.

Feminist talk

Video: Our children are in danger

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 08:34 | 4,339 views
Jan Moolman speaks with a participant at the APC WNSP IGF 2009 workshop about her thoughts: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights - Privacy, Agency & Security.

Feminist talk

Video: Jehan Ara on privacy, agency & security

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 07:35 | 4,329 views
Video: Jan Moolman speaks with Jehan Ara, President of the Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & ITES (P@SHA), about issues raised at the APC WNSP IGF 2009 workshop: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights - Privacy, Agency & Security.

Feminist talk

The privacy puzzle - part I

Posted Tue 17 Nov 2009 - 03:46 | 8,009 views
I attended two sessions on privacy yesterday and today. Both raised interesting points and approaches to the issue of privacy in a networked society. At the last IGF, privacy was a concern, but I definitely noticed a visible escalation of its importance this year. And it's being closely linked to the area of social networking (with an entire…

Feminist talk

Some Thoughts on Youth Participation at the IGF

Posted Tue 17 Nov 2009 - 03:26 | 7,147 views