
Imagining a principle for a feminist internet focusing on environmental justice

Posted Tue 11 May 2021 - 19:36 | 5,547 views

“A feminist internet respects life in all shapes and colours. It is not a consumer.” As part of the GISWatch 2020 report, the author brings together the background and basis for a feminist internet principle in relation to the environment.

two squirrels observe a data centre in a field

Feminist talk

Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint | Part 3

Posted Tue 10 Nov 2020 - 10:35 | 4,797 views

In the third part of the webcomic "The footprint of the Internet", Nadège tells us how green washing hides the complex intersections between technologies, territory and capitalism. But the resistance and self-determination of communities persists...

Internet has a big footprint

Feminist talk

Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint

Posted Fri 24 Jul 2020 - 14:03 | 8,449 views

We often hear that the internet is a cloud. But the internet has a big footprint. With this first release we start a reflective webcomic series around internet's infrastructure from a feminist technopolitical perspective.