Image description: woman walking by, covering her face with Chinese magazine

In depth

Interview with Eva Blum-Dumontet, Privacy International

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 - 05:47 | 6,266 views

Privacy allows women and members of marginalised communities to create safe spaces of expression and makes available tools that challenge norms that restrict equality, access and control. Bianca Baldo interviews Eva Blum-Dumontet, one of the authors of the recent report from Privacy International on gender and privacy.

abstract drawing of different apps interconnected

Feminist talk

Predation or innovation?

Posted Mon 8 Mar 2021 - 15:09 | 4,331 views

This piece is part of a series where Julia Keseru explores the connection between our online systems and bodily integrity, and the long-term effects of digital innovation on our collective well-being.

Museum of movements exhibition with images and texts

Feminist talk

How one can imagine embodiment in our “disembodied” online lives?

Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 16:03 | 4,069 views

Shivani Lal shares her experience attending the Imagine a Feminist Internet workshop in Malaysia in November 2019. Shivani explores how one can imagine embodiment in our “disembodied” online lives as a part of our very networked lives today.