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Egypt: Cyber-security as a priority and an integral part of human rights advocacy

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 08:32 | 8,697 views correspondent Mavic Cabrera-Balleza interviews Yara Sallam, Manager of the Women Human Rights Defenders Program at Nazra for Feminist Studies in Egypt, on the challenging reality for women human rights defenders, how they are affected by measures taken by the government in the name of “national security”, and strategies used to address threats to WHRD's cybersecurity.

Feminist talk

Taking street harassment off the streets and off the map!

Posted Mon 14 May 2012 - 12:10 | 10,982 views
I walked in late to the jam-packed session “Bringing Gender to the Streets: Young Women Amidst the Arab Uprisings” at AWID Forum 2012. This was not a session about technology or the internet, but it was a common strand running through each presenters' activism and evidence-building for women's rights, even and perhaps especially in the midst of revolution.

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Coordinates for change: putting violence against women on the map

Posted Wed 14 Dec 2011 - 00:39 | 7,707 views
“Map it. End it. Demand change” was the core of the Take Back the Tech! campaign for 2011. Flavia Fascendini writes about several mapping initiatives around the world that aim to document forms of violence against women so as to “put them on the map” in the sense that they are named, pointed out, shown as related, and denounced - and in that way the mapped territory is changed into one that…