Feminist talk

Making our presence felt: women's involvement in online content creation in Ghana

Posted Thu 25 Apr 2019 - 07:23 | 4,261 views

In this exploration of the questions of access and economy for women in Ghana, the author takes a closer look at the digital gender-gap. When women don't have equal access to the internet then what are the economic implications?

Art by Mike Licht

In depth

Inclusion, mobility and connection: diverse uses of mobile phones for women with disability

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 - 07:41 | 5,648 views

Can technology-based solutions improve the quality of life for people with disabilities? Srinidhi Raghavan interviews various women who talk about how mobile phone usage has benefitted them in terms of communication and social interaction, but also about their real concerns around privacy.

Is the man who is tall happy?: An animated conversation with Noam Chomsky

Feminist talk

Keywords of the internet: The fraying edges of algorithmic production

Posted Tue 9 Oct 2018 - 06:06 | 4,456 views

In this column series we unpack keywords relevant to the internet and the digital age. Here we look at algorithms, their origin in the work of Ada Lovelace. At how they are a sequence of steps, how they enfold consequences. And lastly we ask - can we talk about feminist algorithms?

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Gender and community networks: Candid reflections 10 years later

Posted Mon 23 Apr 2018 - 05:06 | 5,836 views

In this column on community networks and gender, the writers will explore how communities can provide and run their own internet infrastructure, the existing forms of community networks, the legal and policy environment in which they have to exist and what are the gender dynamics around these networks. The first column asks a fundamental question - what would be the costs of women NOT having…

Feminist talk

Participation, creativity and design in research methodology around ICTs

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2018 - 04:45 | 5,116 views
In the field of research around gender and ICTs, there is particular attention required to the question of research methodology. How do women use ICTs, what do they need them for, what is the power dynamics around access and distribution? In this specific research project around potential use of ICTs, Catalina Alzate shows how participatory action research, design and creativity can be pulled…

"We cannot be what we cannot see": Mapping gaps in research in gender and information society

Posted Sun 10 Sep 2017 - 05:47 | 8,142 views

The articles in this bilingual edition point to how visibility of our bodies and our stories is the starting point of a different way of being. The stories we tell of struggles and perseverance, of movements and solidarity – entangled as they are in the fine wires of technology – are necessary and essential and could be the foundations for the movement for change. This edition is not…


[EDITORIAL] Mapping gaps in research in gender and information society

Posted Sun 10 Sep 2017 - 02:59 | 15,134 views


IGF Best practice forum on Gender and Access (2016): Overcoming barriers to enable women's meaningful internet access

Posted Tue 13 Jun 2017 - 04:59 | 6,630 views
The BPF is collaborating with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the UN University on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) in its important endeavour to research and map projects and initiatives that aim to address different gender digital divides around the world. The objective of this collaborative data-gathering process is to help stakeholders better understand women and girls’…

Feminist talk

A Woman Coder's Journey (Women-in-tech)

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 - 01:25 | 7,330 views
Judith Owigar speaks about her journey entering into tech spaces, and also about their work with Akirachix in Kenya helping other women along the same journey marked by trials, exclusions and success. While speaking about the barriers of education in science and technology (STEM), she says that what inspires her work in many forums around women in tech in Africa, is that eventually a woman should…

Feminist talk

Beyond the offline-online binary – why women need a new global social contract

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 - 02:19 | 8,034 views
The non-territorial, transborder Internet has added layers of complexity to the human rights debate. The idea of substantive equality – a compass for human rights and the key to gender justice – must be interpreted anew and afresh, as the force of digital technologies complicates the nature of social relations and institutions. The easy binary divisions of online and offline cease to make sense…