
Gender and ICT in the Philippines: A Proposed Policy Framework

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 5,151 views
This paper seeks to recommend a policy framework that will address the goal of mobilising ICT to advance gender equality and women's empowerment.


Statement by Ms. Audrone Morkuniene, Secretary of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 4,562 views
Author examines impact of information and communication technologies on advancement and empowerment of women.


Tester Report: Capacity Building of Lithuanian Women Through ICT & Networking

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 4,061 views
This document presents project “Capacity Building of Lithuanian Women Through ICT & Networking” evaluation of a feedback from women who attended courses on Computer Basics and Internet.


Report from the ICT Training for Bulgarian Women

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 4,797 views
The report is based on the experience from the ICT Training for Bulgarian Women from NGOs


Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction in the Knowledge Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 4,838 views
The emphasis on ICT as a tool of economic and social empowerment for underprivileged women raises new research questions that are relevant both for advocacy and project work by NGOs as well as for policy intervention by national and international bodies. The paper assesses women’s access to and use of ICTs for social empowerment and poverty reduction.


Poverty Reduction, Gender Equality and the Knowledge Society: Digital Exclusion or Digital Opportunities

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 4,326 views
The paper is based on the premise that any strategies to increase the participation of women in the information economy will increase national IT capacity, reduce poverty, and help to raise the national standard of living. It summarises international discourse on the connections between gender equality and poverty reduction, and defines the context of the knowledge society, including the digital…


Women & Science: Statistics and Indicators

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 4,253 views
Website contain indicators on the subject of women and science for the 25 EU Member States.


She figures 2003

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 4,553 views
The "She Figures 2003" report provides a detailed statistical analysis of women's participation in all aspects of science (education, employment, and research), existing gender differences across scientific fields and gender equality in setting the scientific agenda.


Women, science and technology: Measuring recent progress towards gender equality

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 4,957 views
Latest Eurostat data show that although women are still significantly under-represented in scientific and engineering disciplines, the numbers of female graduates in these fields have increased over the last few years. The new figures on “Women, science and technology: Measuring recent progress towards gender equality" provide continuing evidence of a narrowing of the gender gap for graduates in…


Crisis and Need: Information and Communication Technology in Development Initiatives Runs through a Paradox

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 2,910 views
The paper calls for a shift in national and global policies in order to respond to the growing digital divide within countries and among developed and developing countries.