round of 7 diverse persons

Feminist talk

Gender, diversity and inclusion in open source communities

Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 - 13:55 | 7,122 views

The code, although open, is not neutral with respect to who contributes and for what. What happens to our contributions when we reveal our gender or sexuality? How can a project in which a significant portion of the work is invisible and not counted really be “free” and open source?

Feminist talk

Being Dalit, Doing Corporate (Women-in-tech)

Posted Wed 22 Feb 2017 - 05:09 | 10,917 views
Multinational companies often put in place a policy for diversity and inclusiveness at the workplace, but does this guarantee the everyday, actual practice of accepting people from marginalized communities, and especially women from such communities. In this article, Christina Thomas Dhanaraj, examines what it means to be Dalit in corporate India - the continued invisibilising of caste, sexism…