Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

Posted Thu 16 Sep 2021 - 11:36 | 2,176 views

In the second and last part of this in-depth article, the author unpacks the persistence of rape myths in judicial reasoning, even veiled under the promises of neutrality and accuracy of digital evidence.

A woman cries hiding her face. In her back, a wall of screens with messages

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 1): Is electronic data determining whether a woman has been raped or not?

Posted Fri 10 Sep 2021 - 15:28 | 3,753 views

This insightful piece highlights how digital evidence is overwhelming the legal and judicial imagination by looking specifically at cases of rape trials in India.