Image description: Numerous surveillance cameras on a wall

In depth

Privacy, Personhood and Identity in Surveillance Societies

Posted Wed 6 Mar 2019 - 01:14 | 10,166 views

Privacy was initially understood simply as the right to be left alone. The increasing use of internet, social media, surveillance and algorithmic processing has however shifted the meanings of privacy, and here we explore the conceptual understandings of privacy and its links to autonomy, human dignity and self-determination.

Image description: woman with mobile phone seated outside shop

In depth

Use of social media in Manipur – Women lag behind in technological advancement

Posted Thu 21 Feb 2019 - 04:52 | 8,137 views

Access to the internet is finally a priority for companies and acknowledged as human right by governments. However the gender digital divide persists, and in this article we explore what uses women make of the internet in urban and rural parts of Manipur. Is this use limited to social media, what about the generation gap, and the rampant spread of election propaganda?


Call for Submissions: Access to the Internet in Southeast Asia

Posted Mon 8 Aug 2022 - 06:12 | 1,681 views

GenderIT is looking for writers, artists, creators and filmmakers from Southeast Asia to pitch stories around the theme: Access to the internet, for its Asia regional edition 2022. Deadline to submit pitches is August 26, 2022.

Feminist talk

Impact for what and for whom? Digital technologies and feminist movement building

Posted Mon 6 Nov 2017 - 07:20 | 13,817 views
Lulú Barrera(Luchadoras, Mexico) recorded a video of Srilata Batliwala (CREA, India) talking about movements, feminism, and disruption at the Making a Feminist Internet meeting in Malaysia in early October. This video and the short piece are to be read together as a dialogue between Srilatha Batliwala and “Primavera Violeta”.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Access and beyond (4): Gendered barriers to internet use

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 - 03:53 | 6,959 views
Gendered barriers to internet access can range from social and cultural barriers imposed within family or by partners to extraneous factors relevant to all - such as affordability of data and devices. In this column Chenai Chair examines the specificity of how access is different for women and men.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Open software movements, open content, free culture: Where are the women?

Posted Tue 18 Apr 2017 - 06:31 | 10,425 views
The gender balance is far from equal even in progressive movements such as the free and open source software community, Mozilla user groups, and others. Despite all the rivers of ink that were written about the gender imbalance in these areas, the changes are slow to arrive.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] I want to be a Pokémon master

Posted Thu 13 Apr 2017 - 05:18 | 4,152 views
Pokémon exploded as a game that could be played on mobile phones in 2016. Of the many debates around it, Angélica Contreras explores the gendered aspect of videogames and how Pokémon struck a chord with many women in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and parts of Latin America. This article was originally written in Spanish, and is part of a column series that explores young women and their lives…

Feminist talk

Beyond the offline-online binary – why women need a new global social contract

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 - 02:19 | 8,034 views
The non-territorial, transborder Internet has added layers of complexity to the human rights debate. The idea of substantive equality – a compass for human rights and the key to gender justice – must be interpreted anew and afresh, as the force of digital technologies complicates the nature of social relations and institutions. The easy binary divisions of online and offline cease to make sense…


Digital dividens - World Development Report 2016

Posted Thu 31 Mar 2016 - 12:26 | 5,777 views
Digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world. Digital dividends—the broader development benefits from using these technologies—have lagged behind. In many instances digital technologies have boosted growth, expanded opportunities,and improved service delivery. Yet their aggregate impact has fallen short and is unevenly distributed.

Feminist talk

Join today IGNITE: Women Fueling Science and Technology campaign to end the gender gap in technology

Posted Mon 17 Nov 2014 - 18:58 | 4,599 views
Join us and add your voice to Global Fund for Women’s online petition, co-presented with UN Women, calling for governments and the United Nations to take action to end the gender gap in technology to advance women’s rights. Sign the petition today to demand women and girls’ equal access to and control of technology.