Feminist talk
Hello? How Can I Help You Today? : Mental Health concerns for LGBTQIA+ people during Covid-19
LGBTQIA+ people are often already isolated, invisibilised in their families and sometimes also facing abuse. In this article, mental health professionals speak about the vulnerability of these groups and people during the lockdown and how fragile links of community and support are still being built.
Feminist talk
News about our community network – Portal sem Porteiras
In this layered podcast, the members of Portal sem Porteiras, Marcela and Luisa explore their excitement over the possibilities of their community network and how they are re-finding meaning and solace in connections.
In depth
“Our Constitution is Strong”: Straight Digital Discourse and Disremembered Queer Accounts
What does it mean to rise to the surface of people's attention briefly because of violence done to your body, harassment, dispossession and precarity, only to be replaced the next day by the next trending hashtag? This article explores the limits of straight discourse online and the convenient elision of queer accounts and issues.